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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Iraq, Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Arab Spring, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, ISIL, IS. All B.O. foreign policy disasters.
  2. Not at all. I just don't buy in to the belief that Obama is exceptionally smart. What has he ever done, written, said, accomplished that makes you think he's smart? His foreign policy is a dilettante's disaster. He has a wafer thin understanding of foreign affairs. Benjamin Franklin. I knew Benjamin Franklin. He was a friend of mine. You (sir) are no Benjamin Franklin. You are in fact an Internet Troll.
  3. What does it say? What does it say? I don't have my glasses on, so I can't read it. Is it a letter telling them how much in HC premiums they'll be saving? Is it a letter thanking them for sticking with Blue Cross for the next year? Does it say anything about how much more insurance coverage they'll have once the new year commences? Does it include the really kewel joke that these guys are laughing about? http://youtu.be/Pkqn6wsrUfs
  4. It starts with cheesesteak and ends with prime rib. The country is going to hell in a hand basket.
  5. But B O is so smart. I've read that here. He's so knowledgeable about well, everything! He's brilliant. Did you know he wrote two books? Isn't that fantastic. He's got a mind like a Rube Goldberg mouse trap. He went to not one but two very prestigious universities and has a law degree from one of them. That's a sign of brilliance. He cares about everyone and everything. He knows just about everything there is to know. He also has a Vice President - Joe Biden - have you heard of him? Well, he told Joe to get on that cancer thing and told him to make it stop! That takes onions and smarts too. He would probably have put an end to cancer by himself already, but he couldn't find the time between golfing, fundraising, golfing, giving speeches, golfing, using his phone and pen, golfing, lecturing the country on race relations, golfing, chastising policemen and police departments all across the nation, golfing, traveling to Martha's Vineyard, golfing, traveling to Europe, golfing, traveling to Asia (you've heard of these places - right?), golfing, and some plane old relaxing and did I mention golfing?
  6. That's a stunning resume. Simply stunning.
  7. I heard the Jags OL/Assistant HC Doogleass Maroon is highly respected and his name is being circulated (according to League sources) as a must-interview for any HC opportunities that may arise in the near future. Could we be so lucky? Can the Pegulas capture lightning in a bottle? One can only hope.
  8. Well kudos to you sir. You just won the Internet today! You are an international hero now. Oh, and Sammy committed suicide after reading your post, because he felt so ashamed.
  9. Well, considering McGahee sat for his entire rookie year, yeah - thhat's not saying much.
  10. My guy? MY guy? Go fu ck yourself and take piano legs with you. You going to show up at a tailgate and call my wife ugly? Really sweet Gringo. Trump's made fun of for his hair all the time. Just call me a misogynist and be done with it. I know, a She already tried that look. It didn't do well in the focus groups. ny mention of her oven mitt wardrobe or makeup is sexist.
  11. She's made up like a Kewpie doll. She was wearing more eye makeup than Tammy Faye Bakker of Pocket The Loot fame.
  12. That's voidable at nearly every turn? Get real. You're take is obscene.
  13. And he ended up schitting in the Oval Office and all over the country.
  14. Evidently he was a model citizen. He beat his wife and stabbed her.
  15. Your right. Threads like this don't just grow on trees. I was just trying to help 4mer think outside the bun. Maybe he could dress up the pipeline section that goes through the asteroid belt with some hula hoops or Hillary's oven mitt suits. On the side note. Thanks. I've been long overdue.
  16. But if their horses were wearing trojans then only Rex would have to worry about getting fully pregnant. Something to think about.
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