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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Sounds like he borrowed Sarah Palin's library card.
  2. Eeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! http://youtu.be/m8a2IT2qY6A
  3. Like the Xbox player who named himself "Xbox logout".
  4. I did not know they are brothers.
  5. I blame The Bills medical staff. They're incompetent. And Whaley should have known about this in advance and made appropriate off-season moves to account for it.
  6. Man, the conspiracy theorists are working full time on the Intarwebs. I think Chris Matthews would be the perfect person to play her. http://youtu.be/TLf0sLqGcPs
  7. You've got to be joking. While she talks up being "together" and not "dividing us", she then slams Trumps supporters as Racist, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, Homophobic, Despicable, and nonredeemable. She hates with a venom anybody that doesn't support her. She's a vicious, mean spirited and really evil person. She used her public office to line her own pockets with hundreds of millions of dollars much of it taken from leaders in countries where women are banned from driving, don't have civil rights, where gays are killed for being gay, and she has no problem with that. She laughed at how she got a rapist of a young girl from being convicted of his heinous crime. She is a walking piece of human excrement.
  8. You mean like the ACA which Stretch Pelosi said they had to pass before they could know what was in it? Jerky indeed.
  9. I doubt Rex will even make the trip to Foxboro he's so humiliated by the possibility of Edelman posing as a QB. Wonder what Wes Welker has to say about it.
  10. Calm down. Calm the !@#$ down. You sprung this scenario on us without fair warning. It almost sounds like you want to see a Trump/Clinton orgy at the next debate to end in a monumental orgasism of shaky giggly flesh in prime time. Hillary twerks to Trump's savage thrusts is not something that's ready for prime time. Thank you very much.
  11. "Warning, the contents of this sandwich contains ingredients that are known to cause cancer in the state of California." My advice? Eat your cheesesteaks outside of California.
  12. He stopped the public tours of the White House too. Big man. Big ideas.
  13. Yes. That's what I call, "Mommy Management". Put the unruly child in the corner for quiet time and deprive them of any treats until they come around to behave properly. We turned down a school budget a few years ago. All extra curricular activities were stopped, and busing was halted for kids that live within three miles of their school.
  14. Yep. He's without peer when it comes to that. Can't remember a single beer summit at the White House before he showed up.
  15. Let me guess. He voted a straight Republican ticket every time. Amirite?
  16. Why it's none of the things that I thought it would be at all! How could they? Our President B. O. said it more than once, "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. P.e.r.i.o.d." He should step in and do something about this. He does have a phone and a pen after all. If only someone could have foreseen this. Those damn insurers. What's a measly $500 million to them anyway? They could just raise the rates on the healthy people to make up for it.
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