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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Because the Dems !@#$ed up the system so badly. It's a train wreck of epic proportions. The Cadillac tax incentivized employers to drop them from their employee's benefit offerings. So employees got their new "benefit" in the form of higher deductibles, lower coverage, and much higher premiums. Plus perhaps a $3,000 + surtax on their income. The other things you mention were offerings from the Republicans and the Dems just told them to stfu and commenced to shi t right down their throats.
  2. New video of Hillary without her green screen emerges:
  3. He can't. There isn't one. He doesn't realize that Christie was the first also-ran who endorsed Trump. Facts are so confusing sometimes.
  4. Something that Anthony Weiner might do?
  5. Put him in the enemy's backfield, sacking their QB and tackling their RBs for big losses. THAT's where you put him!
  6. You and about 2 or 300 million other people.
  7. Here's one for Rino. The audio is computer generated and pretty awful, but it's entertaining.
  8. Her Charlotte rally was held in front of a green screen evidently. Bogus people in the balcony?
  9. Well, another way to look at it is that no other NFL team has sold for more money than the Pegulas paid for The Bills.
  10. Yes. He wants out of that embassy. He'll need her help to do it and she won't if he releases the videoes of her, Al Gore and the farm animals.
  11. I'm pizzed. Was planning on going boating this weekend. Now have to hope the floating dock at my marina doesn't get washed/blown away like it did with Sandy.
  12. Afghanistan was invaded as payback for 911. You do remember 911, don't you? Iraq was warred upon because it invaded Kuwait. W got convinced it was in our best interests to depose SH. Turned out to be an invasion of aggression instead of a semi-defensive one. That said, the region was terribly destabilized with the overthrow of Hussein and the winning of that war. We still have Army and Air Force and Navy bases on the land of the Axis powers some 70 + years after the conclusion of WWII. We still have a lot of military in Korea some 60 + years after the Korean War ended. Obama and the "Progressives" couldn't stand that we won that war. They grew up during the Viet Nam War era, and they believe that the US just isn't supposed to win wars. So, instead of maintaining a presence there and trying to stabilize the region, they turned tail and ran. That created a huge power vacuum that was filled by Fundamentally Insane followers of Islam. Then Hillary and now Kerry began pursuing irrational moves that accelerated the destabilization of the entire region. They backed the Muslim Brotherhood's Arab Spring toppling of the Democratic pro-western Egyptian government. They killed Gadaffi and by many accounts they're arming the ISIS/ISIL/fuc ktards. They're trying their damnedest to remove Assad from Syria and are on the brink of war with its ally - Russia over it. In a series of cluster-f uck moves, they let Russia retake Ukraine. Now they're making some headway against ISIS, and they have no idea on how to deal with the fallout from that other than say an evil diaspora will be in our neighborhoods soon. Progressive leadership is a joke. It's a M. F.ing joke.
  13. I heard this morning that the J. E. Hoover building in the District will need to be torn down and rebuilt. Comey want's the new one named for him. Hillary wins, he gets his immortality monument. Pay for play.
  14. Don't know why Blount didn't get a PF on that play.
  15. Absolutely disgusting, hurtful mental image you put in my head.
  16. Hope Kyle and Dareus are in their backfield all afternoon long.
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