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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Yep. Virtually every emergency room in the country has a sign saying something to the effect, "We will give you treatment, even if you can't afford to pay for it." Es la Ley!
  2. This POTUS can multitask, he is capable of taking a dump while simultaneously taking a twitter dump on the fake media.
  3. Great. I’m back to being $800k down. Better than being $1.1M down.
  4. That does it. I’m making my own xiang long bao from now on... from scratch.
  5. Well, you can’t miss the Leader’s birthday.
  6. Media: “Trump to tell Israel company to stop the shipment of hydroxychloroquine sulfate. Asked them to send the hydroxychloroquine phosphate version instead.”
  7. He wasn’t the main character Paul Hogan had that role.
  8. Meatloaf
  9. Shhhh! It’s soaking in fish tank cleaner to kill the Wuhan Virus.
  10. Some love for Knox? Sure...
  11. RIP. Sorry for your loss.
  12. He couldn't control himself, you know because the pic of Dr. Fauci laughing at a joke was just too compelling.
  13. Another lie. Trump Shut Down the CDC’s Pandemic Department! Do I even need to point out how virulent and widespread this talking point has been? Sigh: In other words, it wasn’t dissolved, it was streamlined.
  14. I’m concerned that he isn’t healthy at all. His latest interviews show him coughing and sniffling. Hope it’s just a head cold but not the Wuhan virus or the flu. Joe might not make it that far. He’s gone radio silent.
  15. Well, there is Pegs caught in a creepy Uncle Joe moment, perhaps...
  16. What a wonderful opportunity for the fascisticly inclined Democrats in power to wield their power (and more) in a manner that any fascist anywhere at any time in history would be so proud of. Seig Heil!
  17. That idiot only comes here to change his dirty diaper in as public a manner as possible. He’s nothing but a crap throwing monkey (apologies to DC Tom).
  18. So Cam was released? What charges was he being held for?
  19. Might I suggest a more appropriate logo? The Chargers “12 1/4 man”
  20. Cough, cough, hack, hack. Touches face, wipes nose, scratches eyes. “Why doesn’t he act like a President? He’s like a yo-yo. I don’t understand him” Well SLO-Mo Joe, you’re like a sick rusted slinky. Get yourself tested FGS.
  21. What if elephants only liked chocolate ice cream on Thursdays? Would Lake Erie turn red?
  22. And some states charge more for EZ Pass users who have their account based in a different state. I still have my NJ hardware and account. Now live on the Cape and MA has no tollbooths anymore and I get a small surcharge for using their Pike.
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