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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Trump's up on HiLiary by about 70 points with Vets. Clinton's cadre of assassins will do whatever they can to eat away at those numbers. Even going so far as to pull sick **** like this. Every day 3-4 Vets kill themselves. If that's not a clear indication that "they can't take it" then what the hell is? They need help and he at least has given millions to Vet charities. The KKKlintons haven't done shite.
  2. I posted this before. Any doubt that the Clintonistas would use this tool? Her video conference looked very strange... like it was faked with cgi. http://youtu.be/TLf0sLqGcPs
  3. Right. I avoid that like the plague.
  4. For the ignorant WRT the TOS: This kind of thing goes here: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/forum/14-politics-polls-and-pundits/
  5. There's some classic gold in here by some newbies. They know not what they do.
  6. INcredible! :lol: Just like the other thread about this: To PPP in 3, 2, 1...
  7. Hillary's so spontaneous! Brennan Leach's dad is Daylin Leach, a Democratic state senator in Pennsylvania. Here's his Twitter: https://twitter.com/daylinleach/status/783375531362308096?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
  8. Romney had it right four years ago, but he was roundly mocked by the greatest intellectual President in the history of the universe and the MSM, oh, and HiLiary Clinton for his view. Unfortunately, Vlad saw things differently and bent B. O. over and gave him a Ukraine porking. Seeing how feckless B. O. is, he saw there was no time like the present to expand his influence in the M. E. and is backing Assad to the hilt. While we're supporting the "rebels" which is an odd assortment of fruits and nuts, many of whom would like to put the entire West to the sword. That's what "leading from behind", doing empty ghetto threats daring your foe to cross a "red line in the sand", and fleeing from an unstable region will get you. It's a shi t show of the first order.
  9. Well, for the record - here's the official rule: http://operations.nfl.com/the-game/gameday-behind-the-scenes/ "60 minutes: Official time period for team pregame warm-up begins. Each team must warm-up on its designated half of the field, as designated in the NFL's Game Operations Manual. During warm-ups, a league uniform inspector checks every player to ensure that all uniforms conform to league specifications."
  10. Well, I for one welcome Gouggabanza's posting here on the dark side of the Intarswebs. He and his views are far more tolerable than gatordude/birdbrain/marceldareuspowder and a few others. He's also pretty civil. Pretty.
  11. It's just an "inconvenient truth."
  12. Absolutely. They paid dearly for that headache.
  13. I had a pair of scissors confiscated from my travel bag by Australian Security at the Sidney airport. Wifey had put her cuticle scissors in my bag at the hotel. They were about 4" long in total length. Looked very dangerous. : I'm so glad they kept the rest of the passengers and crew on the flight safe from my maniacal plan.
  14. But Schumer will replace Black-eye Reid in the next Congress. He'd glow at the possibility of "fixing" this abortion they foisted on the country. He'd bask in the glory of being hailed as bi-partisan.
  15. Which is part of the reason for standing down on 911 when Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were brutally murdered. And this piece of sh it is going to be our nest POTUS? http://youtu.be/jxIp8YBww3Q
  16. You obviously missed the hit of the summer: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/186938-introducing-your-stanley-cup-champions/?p=3968856 I bought two.
  17. ^^^^ This! Am I wrong to still be a bit giddy over this win? It feels so right.
  18. Yes. Because we have consciences and are charitable. I still wish evil on every single person that voted that in though.
  19. After watching a clip showing all 72 times Kaine interrupted Pence, I think Trump's campaign should start referring to the Clinton ticket as Kaine and Disabled. (stolen from the comments of a disgusting Youtube video which we had nothing to do with.) Seriously, people talk about Trump not being fit for office. Kaine has nowhere near the temperament to become POTUS which he probably would once Hillary gets carted off into LaLa Land. What a douche.
  20. I did not watch that debate, but Sweet Jesus this was atrocious on Kaine's part. What an asswipe.
  21. This perhaps more than any other issue has galvanized me against the Dems. There are ways to address the issue, but what we got was them going full Animal House food fight to get their "triumph". Well, they took oversight of nearly 20% of the nation's economy and have royally screwed it up.
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