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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Look for some money going Ecuador's way soon, and JA getting offed as a result.
  2. The government truly knows and does best, now doesn't it? Whooda thunk that Kalifornia would overpay their re-enlistees so generously, what with a chronic debt-running state budget and all? Of course the over-worked bureaucrats would have the temerity to demand the money be paid back once they discovered their tiny little mistake. After all, it's only FAIR, and those god-damned service men and women got more than they deserved! And the lovely, gentle people of Kalifornia who are safe and secure in the fair Golden State don't care about no friggin' war or the animals that fight in them either. Question: Do the families of the slain have to repay the "over payments" too? It only seems just, doesn't it?
  3. Did he mention the Shah's spleen? My God man, it's football season. Think about the spleen!
  4. I posted about this too. And I do think she used it in her "video" conference to a Union gathering that she "couldn't" attend "in person". It's the "Why aren't I 50 points ahead, you might ask" talk. It's one of the most bizarre campaign videos ever. http://youtu.be/_T8tMk-ZOx8
  5. You guys are just piling on poor Gug. We'll I'm hurt too Gug, and I don't feel like playing either. So there.
  6. Can't wait for the BN exclusive about the Pegulas moving The Bills to Toronto and The Sabers to Chattanooga.
  7. We're wasting points on blowouts when we could really use them in other games.
  8. Dis muss be Jimmy Spagnola's second cuzzin.
  9. But that's not my point. For example The Bills beat the hapless GoldDiggers by 40 point or so. That was WAAAAY more than what they needed to win the game. Why can't we save some of them for use in other games when we need to score more to get a win? That makes a lot more cents to me.
  10. What are these "extra" points, and how can The Bills get their "fair share" of them?
  11. I believe Sammy would be cleared by week 27 to rejoin The Sabers. But that's only because the Pegulas don't own both teams.
  12. Eye no. Just that Mr. Big Toke hasn't contributed at all to this year's squad. [/grumblegrumblegrumble]
  13. Interesting. Same incision scar for a full knee replacement.
  14. And quite a few contusions, bumps, bruises, and sprains to boot!
  15. Poppy rooster! The worst no call heard round the world was on this play: Dennis Erickson lost his HCing job as a result of this travesty at the hands of the Tuna and the Refs.
  16. Don't put in any of that coding. Just paste the linky thingy, but delete the "S" in the url. Now that I've let the secret out, I might have to kill you. On second thought, maybe I'll just have Kromer pay you a visit.
  17. Spoken for truth. It's the kiss of death, it is.
  18. You told him. Now we've got to kill him. You know the secret now, BuffalothruMyVeins we have to kill you just kidding
  19. Beware of Kiko? Why, is his breath bad?
  20. It still means something to beat the ugly Dolphins but not like before
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