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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Comey, on the prowl again! This time, he means it.
  2. So's ya wants ta disrespect the flag, does ya? Well Shady shows ya how ta do it.
  3. And what exactly was President Nixon being threatened with impeachment from office about, again?
  4. Her flip side ain't so hot either.
  5. FOX killed the NFL with their horseshi t Robot. Gross. Unwatchable.
  6. Because "Obamacare" is a fraud that was perpetrated on the American public by the Democrat party. "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. period." "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan." "On average premiums will go down around $2,500 per year per family." "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.” "It will insure the 30 million Americans who don't now have health care insurance." Lies, lies, and more lies. The Democrats own all of them. People are losing their coverage, it's not insured anywhere near 30 million additional people. Insurance rates are skyrocketing and the Democrats don't have a clue as to 1. how badly they fu cked up the system, and 2. how to go about "fixing" it. EVERY lawmaker that voted for it should be kicked out of office and kicked off the Government's own "Cadillac" healthcare plan that covers their asses so nicely.
  7. Trump's potty mouth didn't create ISIS. Trump's potty mouth didn't create the ACA. Trump's potty mouth didn't overturn Libya's government. Trump's potty mouth didn't let Russia invade the Crimea or the Ukraine. Trump's potty mouth didn't unleash Russia on the Middle East and cause the Syrian refugee crisis. Trump's boorish behavior and rambling speech patterns didn't make the US invade Iraq. Trump's boorish behavior and rambling speech patterns didn't cause Fast 'n Furious. Trump's boorish behavior and rambling speech patterns didn't subvert the Justice Department and the FBI and the IRS. Trump's boorish behavior and rambling speech patterns didn't create the housing and market collapse. Trump's braggadocio didn't create the flood of Mexican and Central American invaders. Trump's braggadocio didn't give Hillary Clinton poor health, or cause her reprobate husband to rape women and lie about it. Trump's braggadocio didn't lie to the relatives of the four slain Americans who were in Benghazi because Hillary was running guns to ISIS. Trump's braggadocio isn't responsible for the flight of American manufacturing jobs going overseas. There's a set of heavy fingerprints on much of what ails America right now, and none of them belong to Trump. The same can not be said for Hillary. She's been part of the establishment for over 30 years and has had a large part in creating the mess of troubles that we're currently in. But Trump said "kitty!"
  8. Glory, glory hallelujah! Teacher hit me with a ruler. I came in the door with a smokin' 44 Now there ain't no teacher anymore!
  9. Glory, glory hallelujah! Teacher hit me with a ruler. I came in the door with a smokin' 44 Now there ain't no teacher anymore! Now excuse me, I'm going to post this in the guns/more guns thread too.
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