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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. And despicable too for that matter. They're just not doing their job.
  2. I believe you are correct. It's yet another example of B. O. leading from behind or rather with his head firmly up his azz. It was intended to have all the worst consequences hit AFTER he leaves office. "If you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr." Mother !@#$er.
  3. So tell me again, then why did Richard Nixon get in hot water over the Watergate burglary?
  4. And Bill Cosby should have never broken with the #blacksarevictimsofwhitepower, and Joan Rivers should never have called B. O. a homo and Mooshell his tranny beard.
  5. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system, according to a report.
  6. H20 is a far greater strength "greenhouse gas". So do your fair share and don't urinate outside. and electrolytes is what plants crave!
  7. Guess he's off the guest list for the inauguration coronation ball.
  8. So now the DNC, Hilary's Campaign Committee, the Main Stream Media are all attempting to obstruct the investigation of a criminal matter. Throw 'em all in the clink.
  9. Oh, I wish that my Huma's Anthony Weiner would travel on far out to sea... And if Huma's Anthony Weiner vanished, wouldn't that be really great for me!
  10. Agree with everything you said. He was a phenom, but was never the same after he ripped his shoulder up against KC. I saw quite a nice piece on NFL.com about him recently. There's a lot of Bob Trumpy in it, and it's a bit maudlin, but it was poignant. It was a shame his career got cut short. Today, maybe they could have done some other surgery to repair his shoulder, but he was never the same again. The other thing I remember about him was his absolutely sick play-action fake handoff. The cameramen were NEVER able to follow it. http://www.nfl.com/videos/cincinnati-bengals/0ap3000000493964/Greatness-cut-short-for-Greg-Cook
  11. Great. Have them impose Martial Law while they're at it too.
  12. Well, if destroying documents, hard drives, cell phones when those are under subpoena by Congress isn't impeding an ongoing investigation of criminal behavior, then holy Valerie Plame! It probably started with Madison. Little !@#$er wanted an imperial Presidency, and pushed us into war with Great Britain to kick them off the continent.
  13. Greg Cook's hit by Jim Lynch ruined his career. He would have been an all-time great if that hadn't happened.
  14. Naw... it's still among us. As flabbergasting as that might seem.
  15. Would be a lot more effective if it showed Hillary's wonky eyes.
  16. Anthony, Anthony, Anthony! How many times do we have to tell you to keep it in your pants? Huh? You're now the poster boy for the Trump campaign! Sexting with an underage girl or two can get you into a lot of hot water. Especially when the FBI comes calling and confiscates your phone and it shows that your (soon-to-be-former) wife sent you classified US government documents. YOUSE FRIGGIN FOOL! You could cost Hillary the election, you schmuck! Heil Hillary! Man, they're lookin' awfully upset over at CNN right now.
  17. Aw crap! Sorry for you and your family Schotty. Always thought you should have returned to The Bills as their Head Coach at some time. Be well.
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