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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. You would think that a political party - any political party would have to know when barriers are put up that regulate people's behavior that those people will find ways to circumvent the rules and do what they feel is best for themselves. e.g., change your driving pattern to avoid a new red light or slow speed zone, buy cigarettes at an Indian reservation to avoid paying the state taxes on them, put a dummy in the passenger seat so you can drive in the HOV lane, reduce the hours of your staff to that of a part time worker to avoid having to pay draconian fees, close a restaurant or two and let their staffs go to get below the threshold that requires you to provide them healthcare coverage. You would think that a political party - any political party would have to know that's how people would behave, because that's exactly how THEY behave.
  2. Well, to be fair, it does pose a serious problem to the dead ones, and those who have moved to a different county or state.
  3. Oh goodie! The 70's called and want their scandals back. Jerry Zeifman - a Democrat who served as counsel and chief of staff for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation - said he supervised Hillary Rodham Clinton as she worked on the team that worked on the Watergate impeachment inquiry, and that during the investigation Hillary Clinton had “…engaged in a variety of self-serving, unethical practices in violation of House rules.” Specifically, Jerry Zeifman said Hillary Rodham Clinton and others wanted Richard Nixon to remain in office so Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy would have a better chance of being elected president. Zeifman said a young lawyer who shared an office with Clinton came to him in August of 1974 to apologize that he and Clinton had lied to him. The lawyer, John Labovitz, is quoted as saying that he was dismayed with “…her erroneous legal opinions and efforts to deny Nixon representation by counsel — as well as an unwillingness to investigate Nixon.” Jerry Zeifman also said that Hillary Rodham Clinton regularly consulted with Ted Kennedy’s chief political strategist, which was a violation of House rules. Zeifman said in addition to helping Ted Kennedy win the presidency, Democrats also didn’t want Nixon to face an impeachment trial because they feared he might bring up abuses of office by President John Kennedy as part of his defense. But while Jerry Zeifman has been consistent in his criticism of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s work on the Watergate investigation, circumstances surrounding her termination are less clear. In a 1999 interview with the Scripps Howard News Service, Zeifman said he didn’t have the power to fire Clinton, or else he would have: In an interview on the Neal Boortz Show in 2008, Jerry Zeifman altered his claim about Hillary’s termination from the Watergate investigation: “Zeifman does not have flattering memories of Rodham’s work on the committee. ‘If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her,’ he said. Zeifman said Rodham sparked a bitter battle among Democrats by recommending the Judiciary Committee deny Nixon’s lawyers the right to attend the closed-door meetings. ‘Can you imagine that? This was a committee of lawyers and members of the bar, and she was saying the committee should deny the president representation,’ he said. After a lengthy behind-the-scenes debate, Zeifman said the committee decided Nixon’s lawyers could attend.” When pressed, Zeifman said he couldn’t recommend Hillary Rodham Clinton for future positions, “Because of her unethical conduct.” Despite that, however, Clinton was terminated because she was “no longer needed” — not because she had lied, according to Zeifman’s own account. “Well, let me put it this way: I terminated her, along with some other staff members who were — were no longer needed, and advised her that I would not — could not — recommend her for any further positions.” But in a 2008 column Zeifman wrote, “My own reaction was of regret, when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations.”
  4. MLB will be forced to use a new symbol for strikeouts now. :wallbash:
  5. They've been brazen about it all their professional lives. They found a formula that works: Deny, attack the accusers, lie, spin the story, enroll surrogates to attack, deny, spin, and lie. Personally attack accusers, and throw dirt on them as much as possible. If things escalate, then double down on the lies, distortions, spinning, attacking. It all comes from the Saul Alinsky and George Lakoff (You didn't build that - somebody else made it happen) playbooks. Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" One excerpt: "Pick the target, freeze it, person­alize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not instit­utions; people hurt faster than instit­utions." Cliff Notes to the above with Glenn Beck's commentary on them. Oh, Hillary will have her on the carpet real soon. No doubt. Bill might even watch.
  6. I didn't know until today that you're a tranny basher Cug.
  7. The "Individual Shared Responsibility Payment" (which these cretins have labeled the tax penalty) is finally being fully implemented. In 2014 it was the higher of: $95 per adult and $47.50 per child under 18 with a maximum charge of $285 OR 1% of household income (over $10,150 for a single/$20,300 married filing jointly), with a maximum charge of the "Total yearly premium for the national average of a Bronze plan sold through the marketplace ($2,448 based on 2014 figures). The annual national average premium for a Bronze plan that covers the family is $9,792 (also based on 2014 figures)." In 2015 that escalated to the higher of: $350 per adult and $162.50 per child under 18 with a maximum charge of $975 OR 2% of household income (over $10,150 for a single/$20,300 married filing jointly), with a maximum charge of the "Total yearly premium for the national average of a Bronze plan sold through the marketplace ($2,448 based on 2014 figures). The annual national average premium for a Bronze plan that covers the family is $9,792 (also based on 2014 figures)." For 2016 it's now the higher of: $695 per adult and $347.50 per child under 18 with a maximum charge of $2,085 OR 2.5% of household income (over $10,150 for a single/$20,300 married filing jointly), with a maximum charge of the "Total yearly premium for the national average of a Bronze plan sold through the marketplace ($2,448 based on 2014 figures). The annual national average premium for a Bronze plan that covers the family is $9,792 (also based on 2014 figures)." So people will be paying "their fair share" to the tune of up to $9,792 and they STILL WON"T HAVE HEALTHCARE COVERAGE. Hey B. O. YOU SUCK!
  8. Probably had shrimp & smoked gouda grits with sauce Monica.
  9. And what percentage of Heil Hillary's supporters are following pedophiles on Twitter?
  10. IMO, Refugees should be kept as close as safe and humanly possible near their homeland while the hostilities that drove them into exodus are ongoing. They should be relocated as soon as possible to their homeland once it's been stabilized. They should not be whisked away in an artificially accelerated diaspora off to the four corners of the globe by well-intentioned humanitarians with the object for them to be integrated with and assimilated into an environment, society, and culture that is a diametric impedance mismatch to their own cultural and religious beliefs, morays, and fundamental identity.
  11. http://youtu.be/KrWxPUSJoeg?list=RD70J2m6Jfzdk
  12. My head's already spinning. Been like that for months.
  13. Most excellent! Thanks for sharing! That's been the case for the past 30 - 40 years now. Little boys can't be little boys any more. They've been kitty-fied by the educational system.
  14. Rapist Sympathizers for Clinton. FORWARD!!!
  15. Indeed. Honors and props to the great Goodman. One of the best covers of this I've ever heard was from Treme. Eye gots yer cowbell right here:
  16. Happy Belated Birthday wishes to you Mead. You're a mensch.
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