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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Sorry I missed the party. I was, uh... indisposed. Great call. You're truly prescient. Sure bet. Take the over. Bwwaahhhhahahahahaha! Yep. It sure looks like she'll roll him. Shades of Brexit! And we all know what that means. Finish your sentence meazza. ... --- ... Mos def. Brought to you by the MSM and a real American reality star. This is true. Worst possible outcome would have been a Hillary win. Next a win by a "true Republican". Trump's a scrapper and used to getting things done. First up - repeal about 9,000 executive orders that have stunted the economic recovery. Then fix the nearly criminal healthcare insurance abomination that the Dems foisted upon the nation. Hey America, let's get back to work. Recess is over.
  2. Trump will see to putting the Clinton's lights out.
  3. Wow. I am so looking forward to Attorney General Chris Christie's appointing a special prosecutor for Hillary's criminal activities at State and at the Clinton foundation. Rudy will be the new DHS head. Poor Caroline Kennedy will lose her ambassador posting to Japan. Such a pity.
  4. Looking forward to 4 years of tardive dyskinesia on the news.
  5. Yes. He had third degree burns over half of his body by the time he came out of the game.
  6. "Polls Have you, or any one you know?" I have a Polish cleaning lady. I know a few others too.
  7. The Bills could be just the tonic for Seattle to get their ground game mojo back.
  8. Bill didn't fix shi t. If it weren't for Bill Gates' lack of foresight that created the Y2K bug, his "economic miracle" never would have happened. It would have taken another few years for the Intarwebs to start thriving.
  9. Yah dude, but at least they have "healthcare" - right? And it's a Bronze level plan. That's got to be pretty good - right? I mean it sounds like the Olympics or something - right? The impossible stupidity of supporters of the ACA is tragic.
  10. Oh, no doubt Hillary will win a Nobel Peace Prize, and then start a nuclear war with Russia.
  11. He's up to 6'5" and 250 lbs according to http://www.buffalobills.com/team/roster.html
  12. It's their quiet bigotry of low expectations in a nutshell. And I do mean NUT in a SHELL.
  13. "We" don't count. "We" don't matter. "We" can't do a damned thing about The Bills record. The Bills control their own destiny.
  14. Brilliant! Simply brilliant, and a great find. Thank you meazza.
  15. One would think the "BornQueer-no-choice-in-the-matter" folks would be four square behind that. But no... I agree with her. Thing is, some of us grew up. Others learned how to work and subvert the system. Hmmm. Him go Mohegan Sun. Win big wampum! Sneaky bitches, you mean.
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