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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Speaking of electioneering broken promises, just exactly when will Gitmo be closed? That was a hallmark of a previous POTUS campaign... the first time around, and come to think of it, the second time around too.
  2. Who paid for the buses to transport the protestors? That's a lot of buses.
  3. I'm certain Mr. Trump will be thrilled to hear of your approval. I didn't see Sheriff Joe on the list of possible Trump appointments. Is this just a fraidy-skeered reaction on your part? Need a hug? That's a salient criticism.
  4. True. Something that so out of keeping with their profile on Trump had to be aged a bit before they released it. The discussion was probably along the lines of, do we use it for 60 minutes, or wait a few weeks until most of the tempestuous brats finish their hissy fits and release it on a Friday so it looks like he was slow on the draw.
  5. As will the poverty rate, homelessness, the real unemployment rate, the ongoing war in the Middle East, etc., etc., etc.
  6. Well the Unifier in Chief said this: Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out. Now that progress has been made, Obama said, “we can’t have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”
  7. Yeah. I'm sure it bothers the appeasement crowd who want to share power with the leftists.
  8. Time out. Trump's bipolar and ADHD. That much is obvious. He needs Muses singing and whispering into each of his ears. (and those are fabulous ears. there's no question about it. everybody says I have fabulous ears. So my ears are really, really fabulous... without question.) It'll balance out. Or not.
  9. Well, Hairy Reid has retired from the Senate. Maybe they put him in charge of the regular, periodic waxing of her head so she passes for "live". Stretch Pelosi could help out on occasion too. Or maybe she could get some of her husband's employees from Guam* to do it on the cheap. They don't earn minimum wage, so that might be a good bargain for the Dems. *Tell 'em Charlie sent ya.
  10. This is one area that I'm looking forward to the new administration's handling of this scandal. IMO it needs to be investigated right away by an Independent Prosecutor. Let's get to the bottom of it, hold people's feet to the fire for the truth and let the chips fall where they may. Hopefully Lois Lerner get put into the wood chipper, but maybe not. But let's find out.
  11. Sure. But they'll still need their Binkies.
  12. So, you're saying the KKK "Loves Trump's Hate". Got it. I think the Left "Hates Trump's Love" for the country. Well I guess The Deplorables Win! (Saw a lawn sign today in Vorheesville that said that.)
  13. Trump 290 electoral college votes Clinton 228 Trump got more than Clinton. Those are the best numbers to compare WRT this election, IMHO.
  14. Well, they're marginalized at best. What's their leadership pipeline look like? Bernie? Chelsea? Cuomo? Booker? McAuliffe? Emanuel? Schumer? Pelosi?
  15. You are correct! Thanks for that. I get mixed up during acid flash-backs.
  16. What is Facebook, what is it used for, and why would anyone want to use it?
  17. HBB Promo. Just saw this thread. Hope you had a good day of it.
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