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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. That's printed on the back of Jim Acosta's business card... amirite?
  2. Social distancing... Japanese people don't shake hands. South Korean Etiquette "The bow is the traditional Korean greeting, although it is often accompanied by a handshake among men. To show respect when shaking hands, support your right forearm with your left hand. Korean women usually nod slightly and will not shake hands with Western men. Western women may offer their hand to a Korean man. Bow when departing. Younger people wave (move their arm from side to side)."
  3. Has the city shut down his gymnasium yet?
  4. I think I’ve experienced the sensation of deja vu before when I was much younger. Recently I thought I did again, but realized it was just that I had seen the same Mike Lindel My Pillow commercial ten times in the space of one hour.
  5. And don’t forget to not miss an opportunity to hector the President because in the early days he didn’t shut the borders completely and order us all into forced quarantine. The media and people in general would have been fine with that because they would obviously be “taking this seriously” never mind the fact that the statistics of the outbreak in China were scant at best and the true nature of this was being hidden by the CCP. Americans would have LOVED Trump and praised him for his prescience.
  6. We need a leader we can trust and have faith in, and get behind! A guy like Joe Biden would be perfect.
  7. Sounds like someone must be terribly conflicted about John Brennan’s ability to continually backbite and hector the Trump Administration’s decisions and strategic policy Moves. Nah, he voted for Gus Hall after all.
  8. I propose a quarantine of reporters and media pundits to the safety of Ryker’s Island for the next 24 months.
  9. OMG! Don’t they know that people have died from drinking that fish tank cleaner???!!!
  10. I plead guilty by reason of sanity.
  11. Sorry to hear that. This guy? He's a treasure.
  12. Having issues keeping the groupies away and saving their strength for games. It’s important.
  13. She’s a fascist and a dumb one at that.
  14. Speaking of cinemas, the Chinese are major investors in the US. The AMC theatre chain is one of theirs. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/11/10-iconic-american-companies-owned-by-chinese-investors.html
  15. They have DOZENS and DOZENS of bridges spanning the Yangtze. That river is immense and well over a mile wide for much of it. They forced the farmers off their land when they did the three gorges dam project. They urbanized that population in high rises with window air conditioning units. The people walk around in western attire - Nike, Polo Sport, Adidas, etc. They built a viable and populous middle class. These folks are never going back to the old ways. The CCP could face a lot of resistance going forward. They know their own history, the Red Guard, internment camps, re-education colonies, Tiananmen Square uprising etc. They’ve seen enough of the west to know we have a better life and they can have it too.
  16. I’m beginning to despise this guy and hope the only green he brings is the mold that will cover him when he rots in the ground.
  17. FIFY He's failing at being the fascist dictator that you hope and fear he is/would be. Tragic.
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