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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. You mean it was all a double-whammy, flim-flammy, jimmy-jammie?
  2. Gee. Less than half of the Portland Oregon protesters that were arrested actually voted or were even registered to vote.
  3. I wonder how the sanctuary cities issue will work out. Trump holds a big hammer in the Federal funding these cities receive. They each get quite a lot of money from the feds and would really feel the crunch if he pulls the trigger on their funding. Chicago NYC Seattle San Francisco Philadelphia Minneapolis Surprisingly, the Obama Justice Department has already de-funded their Law Enforcement grants. Isn't that raycyst?
  4. Time for Mr. Big Puff to show up and start earning his 2016 salary. This is not the time to let the Bengals "find themselves" and pivot their season because it's a pivot for The Bills as well. Win and they still control their own destiny. Lose and they will have vanquished themselves.
  5. Right. Sorta like when anyone mentioned Hillary Clinton here, suddenly Pasta Joe would show up.
  6. You act like Trump's a Republican. We all know he's really a Democrat beneath his outward trappings, sort of along the lines of Nelson Rockefeller. He's a Liberal Republican at best, but has some core beliefs that are better than those held by the current occupant of the White House. We're coming out of a reign of autocratic rule by fiat. I hope that ends, and the agenda that the Republicans - led by Trump have in mind is more in keeping with my values than the B.O. led Reid & Pelosi gangs that ran roughshod over the country during his first years in the office. We owe Trump a measure of gratitude because he kept Hillary out of the White House. She will never be President of the United States, and I could not be happier about that single fact. Trump may bring a sh it storm. But we've weathered worse. I'll get my popcorn ready. It should be a hell of a show.
  7. Nah. His conspiracy theories still hold water, albeit somewhat like a colander. He and GG got into it pretty heavily at times about that, but he submerged a full week before the election. He'll be back.
  8. On a human level, I can agree. However, I don't believe the last shoe has dropped on her. She was the enabler-in-chief for Hillary's shenanigans, her Stamper. She's never been questioned regarding her ties and her family ties to Muslim extremist leaders and their money. She was certainly aware of the private email server and other tactics they strategically employed to keep the American public from seeing the real Hillary for what she is. She was a key manipulator of the MSM WRT how they handled Hillary and probably how they were told to attack the Republican nominee. On a professional level, I hope she gets what she deserves.
  9. Maybe somebody hacked his account and is making the foosball moves. He needs to come back here and enjoy the circus.
  10. He might be busy consoling his girlfriend 24/7.
  11. No. But if he can get the repatriation of profits tax reduced to 10% he might have enough moolah to actually do the infrastructure rebuild he's talked about. Face it. 35% of nothing is nothing. 10% of $2,000,000,000,000 is $20,000,000,000 i.e, 20 billion dollars.
  12. The Bills didn't win yesterday. Tank the season!
  13. Bills 25 Seahawks 31 at Seattle Seahawks 31 Pats*** 24 at Foxboro The Bills did better than the Pats*** did against them.
  14. What? He was walking alone in a park at night?
  15. I just heard someone compare the electoral college vs. the popular vote in terms of baseball. Specifically, it was the 1960 World Series which the Pittsburgh Pirates won 4 games to 3 against the NY Yankees. The Yankees scored 55 total runs, and had 91 total hits in the series. The Pirates scored only 27 total runs, and had 60 total hits in the series. The Yankees didn't win the series because of the way the game is scored. Hillary didn't win the Presidency because of the way the election is scored.
  16. Absolutely! They know how to spin a story like nobody's business.
  17. Ben's a raysyst, islamophobe, homophobe, misogynist, xenophobe, aryan nationalist too? HOO NEW?
  18. Well, I like GG. I really do. But if anyone thinks that totally implementing all the electioneering promises and statements, and Party Platform Planks is the measure of a President's success, they're ignoring history. What difference at this point does it make?
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