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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. No worries. There's still no shortage of Play-Doh, fuzzy blankets, binkys, graham crackers, and skittles.
  2. If that happens (and in all probability it will), I look forward to Trump slapping that jug-eared stuttering doofus in the mouth from the Bully Pulpit of the Presidency.
  3. Fox News this morning had a graphic about all the Presidents back to Nixon showing how long it took for them to get their cabinet level appointments done. Nixon did them all during week 6. No one finished them all any sooner, though there were many that had a few trickle in beginning in about week 3-4. I think I saw B.O. did one or two in the first two weeks. The MSM is in a frenzy and have lost their minds.
  4. Actually I think Trump is holding all the cards - for now. None of the world leaders with the possible exception of Bibi have a clue as to how he's going to act and react. I think if he states a position, sticks to it (big IF there), and negotiates as rigorously as he's said he will, he should earn some respect on the world stage. They've got to be shaking their heads right now not knowing what he's going to do. Only he really knows, and he might wing it. I'm going to sit back and watch the Alpha male perform.
  5. He dusted it off from his 6th grade class presentation on Civics.
  6. Or lemonade perhaps. http://youtu.be/EnR9ah0v1o4
  7. I hope the poor four kids who beat up the Trump supporter get counseling so they learn how to be more discrete in the future when they want to whomp up on somebody's azz that they disagree with. [/sEIU] Nothing to see here. The kid was asking for it. Like waving a red flag in front of a bull. [/MSM]
  8. Well I for one did not know there were 4,000 patronage jobs to be filled. Talk about government bloat! The moving van business must be booming in the District and Bethesda and Arlington.
  9. I'll be very pleased if President Trump uses EOs far less than the previous Presidents did.
  10. Hard to believe that Trump would have an anti-semite as an inner circle advisor when his daughter is an Orthodox Jew. People have lost their fargin' minds. Bannon always looks like he he needs a shower, a shave, and some skin ointment. Dude looks really rough-around-the-edges. Maybe Donald will comp him a few tickets to a Spa there in Trump Tower.
  11. Sure he'll be playing. He got a new XBox. He'll be worn out from playing it so much.
  12. And we won't tell him that Trump's son-in-law and daughter-in-law are both Jewish!
  13. Sure. Blame the Jew. Always good form to blame a Jew. Feel better?
  14. Now I find this an absolute scream. Trump goes to dinner with his family and leaves the press behind. Now he's being pilloried by them as not being "transparent". OMG. Where were they when Hillary was incommunicado during her failed campaign?
  15. Not sure if this has been posted already, but here's a delightful collection of leftist reactions to Trump's election.
  16. On another note, I heard that Trump might make money if he uses his own airplane instead of AirForce One. Don't think the security issues could be worked through though for him to do that. That's because the Secret Service would have to pay him to ride along with him. First World Problems? How about Billionaire POTUS problems.
  17. It IS a great idea. Let them become sanctuaries and see how long they remain that when Trump stops all Federal funding to those schools. And if perchance that doesn't learn 'em, well I wonder how long it'll be before the snowflakes get annoyed at the immigrants being near them.
  18. This could be of help to some folks: http://youtu.be/YH9nxaRkN-I
  19. He probably knows where their email servers are too.
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