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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Sure. Blame it on a disgusting Internet video which we had NOTHING to do with! At this point... Hrumph, hrumph, hrumph!
  2. He was teased by Greg Gutfeld on The Five the day after he went to Trump Tower about where he was the previous day when he was absent from the show. Gutfeld knew he was interviewing, but Bolling wouldn't say a word. It was a funny and telling moment. "Prior to working for Fox News, Bolling was a commodities trader and was on the board of directors of the New York Mercantile Exchange." I think his expertise is in the oil business. Trump's bullish on US energy. He seems pretty level headed to me. Not sure I'd riot about an appointment for him at Commerce.
  3. I think he's an excellent administrator, and I do believe he has a soft spot for the VA. http://youtu.be/VF2ncjrktZE
  4. Yep. It's why you always see Frosty with a smile on his face.
  5. I think Mitt Romney would make an excellent Secretary of State. Of course I thought he would make an excellent President of the US.
  6. That sounds like a shout-out to CRAP THROWING MONKEY!
  7. Weasels, snakes, and stoats are leaving DC in droves come January, and we won't be watching them closely anymore. Good riddance.
  8. "When you deny / People die" How many casualties have we had already from Global Warming/Climate Change? It must be in the hundreds of thousands by now.
  9. Pigmentation Identification Gestalt, or PIG for short.
  10. That's a great parody. MM's acting in True Detective was absolutely superb.
  11. He's a collider and plays with great intensity. That could shorten his career. I so wanted The Bills to pick him when he came out.
  12. People aren't reluctant to think that, or Muslims on the whole aren't hateful and aggressive toward the west?
  13. You mean a Czar! B. O. hasn't appointed a new Czar of anything in a couple of years now. I wonder what the media's reaction would be in he started appointing Czars of this and Czars of that.
  14. Correct. But jobs would have flowed south along with the production of their small Urban Shopping Vehicle the MKC. Well hey, Nixon was POTUS when Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon, and B. O. was POTUS when the economy recovered.
  15. Well Ford just backed down from moving their Kentucky plant to Mexico. ¡Viva America! ¡América primero!
  16. Such are the sacrifices we endure to be a part of PPP.
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