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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. He's softening to give the Hillary supporters buyer's remorse. It's his attempt at unifying the country.
  2. He's on track to be the best communicator since FDR and his fireside radio chats. Going over the MSM's talking heads with YouTube videos is genius. He's put them in their place and has shown Americans that they're an impediment to the truth.
  3. Careful with that Doc. If the Electricity company is working on the lines, and you haven't cut yourself off the grid, you're going to get a rather pizzed off crew calling on you. It sounds like you've got it right, but just make sure the main breaker is pulled before you power up.
  4. I watched that 10 times, hoping it would turn out to be Pete Carrol in the green vest.
  5. Would make hitchin' a ride easier, I suppose. Get well quick, Shady.
  6. Yeah, and the New York Yankees won the 1960 World Series too. They out scored (58 to 27), and out hit (91 to 60) the Pittsburgh Pirates. So clearly they won the series amirite? Too bad Baseball disagrees because Pittsburgh won 4 games to the Yankees 3. It caused riots in the streets IIRC.
  7. Wow! There's a blast from the past. Come to think of it, he was Trump before Trump was Trump.
  8. Agreed. One can only hope that B. O. keeps his mouth shut too. But we know that won't happen. His spent his entire regime in campaign mode. It was about the only thing his had a shred of competence in. Speechifying.
  9. Earth to Bills fans. They won today. Enjoy it.
  10. Yes. Chad Kelly is not Jim Kelly incarnate. There. I said it. Take it to the bank.
  11. No. Frankenstein was "Stuck in Cincinnati".
  12. Stay away from me you Speedo-wearing-Wildwood-vacationing-Poutine-and-smoked-meat-eating-Italian-soccer-loving-Quebecois!!!
  13. I like Stevie Van Zandt's reaction to the Hamilton brouhaha. And he's no lover of Trump OR Pence.
  14. Me too. But a plane with a first class section full of (most likely) Californians booing a "military family" getting a preferential deplaning courtesy is despicable - as I originally stated.
  15. 40% surtax on beef. I don't know that it will make many people consume less of it than they currently do. But the government will use that money expressly for what - bludgeoning the public with ads about their eating habits? Oh yes. They're hot to do that too (tax you for the miles you drive). It's not like there's already a user tax in the form of how much gasoline/diesel fuel you purchase. Libtards never met a tax they didn't LOVE. And they never miss an opportunity to try to control your life and behavior and give you instructions on how to do so correctly... according to their concept of how things should run.
  16. Pretty despicable behavior by the "first class" passengers. If money could actually buy class, they'd probably have a lot. But they have none. Seeing their plane took off from Sacramento, CA I'm sure it was filled with Trump supporters - you know - the despicables.
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