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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Did you also know that the world's earliest known farmers weren'thumans, but Fijian ants? It's trouu, it's trouu, it's trouu, it's trouu, oh it's trouu!
  2. I heard Trump is going to change his hair color. BIG news!
  3. Ben, you forgot to add a photo. Behold - the form of the destructor:
  4. I know. What if we had a national vote id requirement to vote in a Presidential election - including background checks to verify citizenship? Game on Libs?
  5. El Presidente is outta here. Good riddance.
  6. I wouldn't characterize it as "Barack Obama's pathetic final non-victory lap around the world." I'd call it his "Presidential Participation Trophy Tour."
  7. Maybe that's how he can get their support. #FreeFederalPlay-DohForTheNeedy
  8. The stock market is terrified by the Trump Presidency. Obviously. It what am I thinking? This rally since the election was all Obama's doing. Or that's what the MSM and the historians will claim.
  9. So in other words, business as usual. Nothing to see here. Nothing to worry about. Or, take it up with your Congressman and Senators. They represent all the people you live near. Make THEM do "something" about "it." Alternatively, one could crawl up into the fetal position or hold one's breath till past the pass out state or even join your kin in the streets and break some windows and set some thing afire to relieve the pent up frustration and tension and fear you're plagued with. Then again, there's always PPP.
  10. The answer to that can be found at the ballot box. Elections have consequences. [/endtoday'slesson]
  11. Right. But you were happy as a pig in sh it with the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Rahm Emanuel, Valery Jarrett, Van Jones, and Al Sharpton advising B O and pushing back on his unbridled anti-Constitutional plans - amirite? The shoe is on the other foot now. Time to grow up and learn a lesson. An autocratic President doesn't seem like such a great idea now, does it?
  12. Luxury!Why we couldn't even afford to DREAM about a potato peel!
  13. Screw them. If we let them leave the public schools, then there won't be a big need for unionized teachers and the kids will be denied a good public edminucation. THINK OF THE TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS, AND SUPERINTENDENTS!!![/progressives]
  14. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, the left will perhaps wake up to the fact that rule by fiat isn't quite so wonderful as they let on to be when their guy wielded power. What goes around comes around as they say.
  15. Wait. Is it a serif I or sans serif? I advise flooding the entire hallway.
  16. Seriously. SMH at the hysteria the MSM has whipped up. I never had to bribe my chicks. You should definitely check out brining though. Good stuff. Happy Thanksgiving from Marshfield where we're visiting with darling daughter dear and her family - including our first grandchild.
  17. Gobble, gobble! Enjoy the day all you peeps.
  18. So you mean they act just like Democrat operatives do. Hmmmm.
  19. Unless they're only a woman and can't quite get that much coveted Harvard teaching position without that key ethnic credential... high cheekbones.
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