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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Petraeus is forever tainted. I think he should get some post in the Trump administration though, but not right away. He could be in the cabinet in round 2 come 2020 if not sooner. He's the kind of competent leader that Trump seems to want around him. You betcha! She'd raise morale a lot on tours of the VA hospitals. :w00t:
  2. Credit Sammy with undressing him in public last year. He hasn't been the same since he left his jock on Revis Island in front of 80,000 people.
  3. Jeff, please do us all a favor. Turn on auto-correct. Please.
  4. Power. Power and influence. There's money to be made in power and influence. They're addicted to it. They addicts. They're power and influence junkies.
  5. Because he's our 4th and 1 Hard Snap Count Trickerooski play specialist. That's why.
  6. As the highest ranking elected Democrat official, she's literally the "face" of the Democrat party. Their most engaging candidate for POTUS wasn't even a Democrat until a few months ago. He had Hillary running to the left faster than the NASCAR drivers at Daytona. That's the future of that party - Cargo Cultists/SantaClaus/Socialism.
  7. The MSM's relationship with Trump for the next 4 years:
  8. My next favorite clip from that movie is:
  9. Some background music on the Rosie/Donald feud. She started it. Here's that game day kickoff:
  10. For those keeping score, below is a Venn diagram of the Gatorman Fallacy.
  11. Shades of Ferris Beuller's Day Off! If it's Princeton, then I'm moving.
  12. That must have been inspired by the driving in my town.
  13. Oh, I've got my popcorn ready. Should be good theater.
  14. Yeah, sure. But as Chef said it'll wreak havoc with our-dismal cheese industry which is just beginning to flourish.
  15. He's obviously working on a story of the newest intergalactic transporter beam team and can't reveal any details until the movie launches sometime in 2019. BTW - welcome back you turkey!
  16. Oh, like Wow, man. This is so groovy man. It's like so natural and peaceful man. Got any dope man? Ludes? Peyote buds? It's so like the good old days of Peace, Love, Acid, Reds! Common man. What a fabulous place to get high and commune with nature, man. And the Indians. They're here too, man. Like wow man. Where are the chicks, man? Gotta be some really far out chicks here man. Gotta be.
  17. Why? They're not being persecuted. They're offended somehow? Merry Christmas.
  18. While not quite a B. O. "Marine Corpseman" (sic) moment, it does give pause WRT his understanding of proper flag disposal etiquette. That said, most "flag burners" aren't conforming to the proper standard when they set fire to Old Glory, and they're not generally speaking retiring an old and worn flag either.
  19. At this point, what difference does it make?
  20. He was the best Penguin. Great as Ernie Pyle in GI Joe too.
  21. You might try this snappy little number. It could make her day!
  22. Ugh. How horrible. RIP and condolences to friends and families.
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