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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. What state do you live in? What are its gun purchasing requirements?
  2. Sorry, I don't get it. Eight of their competitors already moved their manufacturing plants to Mexico. You expect Trump to enter a time machine and go back and try to convince them to stay in America because when he becomes POTUS he'll lower their corporate tax rate, and if they do he'll place a tariff on their goods when imported into the US? I don't see this as him picking and choosing a winner/loser. I see him as genuinely concerned about stopping the hemorrhaging of jobs due to an unfair trade agreement that incentivizes companies to bail on their US base because there are no consequences for them doing so. It's radical, I grant you. But not as radical as suborning 200 years of US Bankruptcy laws, or having government loans siphoned through a corporation and put back into the campaign coffers of ones cronies. THAT's what the GM "bailout" and scams like Solyndra were. There is a yuge difference. Could hardly agree more on the bolded part.
  3. AMTRAK! Oh, and the 707 had something to do with it, and the automobile too. I'm perhaps a wee mite more "liberal" than some here WRT the federal government's involvement in creating an environment that will allow enterprise to flourish. I think the TVA was a good thing. Helped win the War and brought electricity to areas in the southern states that would probably still be powerless today if that hadn't happened. If nothing else, Trump's on record for serving notice that he's not going to let companies run overseas without consequences. Frankly, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. It's just another factor businesses have to account for in their calculus.
  4. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, was passed in the senate on December 24, 2009, and passed in the house on March 21, 2010. It was signed into law by President Obama on March 23rd, 2010. The "Summit" happened on February 25th. The Republicans wanted to start over from scratch. Stretch Pelosi would have none of it. Following is the text of Boehner’s remarks: “American families are struggling with health care. We all know it. The American people want us to address this in a responsible way. So I really do say thanks for having us all here. “I think our job on behalf of our constituents, and on behalf of the American people, is to listen. And I spend time in my district. I spend time a lot of places. I have heard an awful lot. I can tell you the thing that I have heard more than anything over the last six or seven months is that the American people want us to scrap this bill. They have said it loud. They have said it clear. Let me help understand why. "The first thing is we’ve heard from the two budget directors about our fiscal condition. We have Medicare that's going broke. We have Social Security going broke. We have Medicaid that's bankrupting not only the federal government but all the states and yet, here we are having a conversation about creating a new entitlement program that will bankrupt our country. And it will bankrupt our country. It's not that we can't do health insurance reform to help bring down costs to help save the system. This bill, this 2,700-page bill will bankrupt our country. “Secondly, Mr. President, I'd point out that this right here is a dangerous experiment. We may have problems in our health care system, but we do have the best health care system in the world, by far. And having a government takeover of health care – and I believe that's what this is – is a dangerous experiment with the best health care system in the world that I don't think we should do. “So why did I bring this bill today? I'll tell you why I brought it. We have $500 billion in new taxes here over the next ten years. At a time when our economy is struggling, the last thing we need to do is to be raising taxes on the American people. Secondly, we've got $500 billion worth of Medicare cuts here. I agree with Kent Conrad. We need to deal with the problem of Medicare, but if we are going to deal with a problem of Medicare and find savings in Medicare, why don't we use it to extend the life of the Medicare program as opposed spending that $500 billion creating a new entitlement program. “But it's not just the taxes, Mr. President, or the Medicare cuts. You’ve got the individual mandate here, which I think is unwise and I do believe is unconstitutional. You’ve got an employer mandate here. It says that employers: you’ve got to provide health insurance to the American people or you're going to pay this tax. It's going to drive up the cost of employment at a time when we have over 10 percent or near 10 percent unemployment in America. “And beyond that, a lot of employers are going to look at this and say, well, I'll pay the tax and they are going to dump their employees into the so-called exchange because in five years every American is going to have to go to the exchange to get their health care. And who's going to design health care bill offered under this exchange under this bill? The federal government's going to design every single health care bill in America within five years once this bill were to pass. I could go on and on and on. “Let me just make one other point. For 30 years, we've had a federal law that says that we're not going to have taxpayer funding of abortions. We have had this debate in the House. It was a very serious debate. But in the House, the House spoke. The House upheld the language we have had in law for 30 years that there will be no taxpayer funding of abortions. This bill that we have before us, and there was no reference to the issue in your outline, Mr. President, begins – for the first time in 30 years – allows the taxpayer funding of abortion. “So Mr. President, what we have been saying for a long time is, let's scrap the bill. Let's start with a clean sheet of paper on those things that we can agree on. If we bring down the cost of health insurance, we can expand access. “Mr. President, I told you, the day after – maybe it was the day you were sworn in as president – that I would never say anything outside of the room that I wouldn’t say inside the room. I have been patient. I have listened to the debate that’s gone on here, but why can’t we agree on those insurance reforms that we have talked about? Why can’t we come to an agreement on purchasing across states lines? Why can’t we do something about the biggest cost driver, which is medical malpractice in the defensive medicine that doctors practice. Let’s start with a clean sheet of paper, and we can actually get somewhere, and we can get it into law in the next several months.”
  5. Okay. NO Executive orders for Trump. None. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Or we'll set our hair on fire. Got it. Wait a minute. Did he do this through an executive order? All I can say is it's nice to see the guy in charge actually giving a s hit about Americans. Remember eight years ago at about this time, his Highness was getting awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and not the least concerned with American workers. After the dearth of leadership of the Obama regime, it's kind of refreshing to think that the new guy at least says he puts America first. So was Truman wrong to send in the Army to run the Philadelphia Transit Company in 1945? Was Kennedy out of line to strong arm the Steel industry into rolling back prices in '62? In an April 11, 1962 press conference, Kennedy called the price hikes “a wholly unjustifiable and irresponsible defiance of the public interest.” He criticized “a tiny handful of steel executives whose pursuit of power and profit exceeds their sense of public responsibility.” The execs had “utter contempt” for the U.S., Kennedy said. Of course, both of those men were actually sworn into office at the time of their actions.
  6. I look forward to an open discourse on the issues. Not sure how the MSM will cover it, but it's a discussion that is long overdue. We could use a leader like Daniel Patrick Moynihan right about now.
  7. Well, eight of the ten AC companies already have plants in Mexico... and I'm not talking about Blue Agave either.
  8. Wonder if the Republicans will shut out the Democrats from having a voice in the changes.
  9. Well, I hope you guys will be okay with Trump using the executive washroom in the Oval office - even though "Obama did it."
  10. Solyndra was throwing money down a black hole and much of it ended back in Democrat campaign coffers. The Carrier jobs are there to stay. They're going to spend $30+ million in the local economy revitalizing that plant. I don't know of any hostages United Technologies took and how much uranium they're refining toward their goal of getting a nuclear bomb. At least so far, it looks like the scale is still tipped heavily in favor of B.O. giving $1.4 Billion in CASH to the wack jobs in Iran Vs. some local tax breaks given by the State of Indiana. And as far as I know, the IRS isn't going to take over $3k from me in extra taxes to help with those people keeping their jobs, like they did to give those 20million people healthcare insurance.
  11. Like taking your best salesperson and making them the VP of Sales and Marketing. The skill sets for managing a sales force and planning marketing efforts, and those that make a salesperson successful don't coincide much. I've seen it happen several times with poor results.
  12. I know. The Corner. I think it's a self-imposed exile. Maybe taking awhile to get his blood pressure down below the boiling point.
  13. So Benghazi wasn't about arming the Libyans after all. It was a multi-level marketing scheme to introduce soap products to the Middle East. Hoo New?
  14. Say what you will about President The Donald, but there are 1,000 families in Indiana who are going to have a much nicer Christmas this year, and a brighter future.
  15. "Raiders Score Predictions" Let them have their predictions, let's just hope Dareus doesn't "score" anything before the game.
  16. Nothing to mess around with. A detached retina is really serious.
  17. Great Job! Thanks for posting and thanks for your service. You're the proud owner of some priceless memories!
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