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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Presidential nose-poking... B. O. goes to Cuba - ground breaking diplomacy. Trump takes a phone call from Taiwan's President - heretical junking of 40 years of US Diplomacy.
  2. Why are you so emotionally wrapped up in this dead athlete? There are far worse things happening in this world.
  3. Damn! Some nice rugs and blankets getting aired out there.
  4. Not sure all of us do quite yet. We know why it happened. What's yet to happen in the Trump administration will be the proof of his pudding.
  5. Frankly I feel more compassion for the 9 year old who was murdered than I do for the wild and crazy Joe.
  6. I don't understand the question. Are we worse then? Cleveland and/or Detroit?
  7. Can you explain to us how inner city gang members can get into killing a 9 year old Kid?
  8. So now it's not a "Hate" crime? It's so hard to keep up with these things. One thing's for sure, the Left's mindset will never change. Every anonymously scribbled Trump graffiti across the land was made by pro-Trump supporters to add to the racial hatred that he espouses.
  9. I think Laura Ingraham would be an outstanding selection as Press Secretary. I saw where not just Ivanka, but The Donald himself met today with ALG.
  10. Her CV on Linked in lists a three month gig as Camp Counselor at "Camp Lonehollow"
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4001068/Area-51-revealed-Aerial-timelapse-America-s-mysterious-government-base-shows-s-grown.html It's growing!
  12. Gatorgal doesn't understand the way the electoral college works. What an embarrassment. No doubt she'll be the Dem's nominee in 2020.
  13. No. But the son of his national security advisor is obscure. "On Sunday, Flynn’s son, Michael Flynn Jr., tweeted, “Until #Pizzagate proven to be false, it'll remain a story. The left seems to forget #PodestaEmails and the many ‘coincidences’ tied to it.”
  14. http://www.dailywire.com/news/10841/x-videos-leftists-attacking-trump-supporters-amanda-prestigiacomo Who's hating who?
  15. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha [/wipestearsfromeyes] Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha [/wipestearsfromeyes] Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha [/wipestearsfromeyes] Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha [/wipestearsfromeyes] Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha [/wipestearsfromeyes] Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha [/wipestearsfromeyes]
  16. Tariffs were in place in the Constitution long, long before the Income Tax was.
  17. Markets aren't frictionless no matter how much you might protest to the contrary. The other manufacturers "harmed" by Trump's protectionist policy have the ability to repatriate their manufacturing to the US and not face the tariffs he's saying his administration will impose on them. That will level the playing field. It'll be up to the businesses to make their own decisions on what's best for their companies. He's just served notice that the open southern (and northern) door policy is harmful to the US middle class, and he's taking action to address job losses in the US. I'm not a Puritan. No one here believed for a nanosecond that Trump was/is a Conservative. The Conservatives lost in the primaries. He is what he is, and I'll take it over a Hillary Obama 3rd and 4th term any time.
  18. USA TODAY COLUMN: Campus Censorship: Some folks on the right may feel that turnabout is fair play, but that’s dangerous. Well, I for one am glad to hear that Feminists have been outed as a branch of the AltRight Aryan Nation! The Left "knew" they were out there, they just didn't know who they were. Now we know.
  19. Trump took the call. He didn't make the call. The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the Presidency. Thank you!
  20. Here's a system: Everyone gets one band aid a year. [/endofcoverage] That good enough?
  21. You must be simply beside yourself upon hearing that Trump accepted a congratulatory phone call from Tsai Ing-wen. Granted it wasn't a trip to Cuba to bow before and kiss the ring of Fidel, but it's provocatory nonetheless.
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