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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Well, I for one say this kind of "activism" isn't welcome - even though it was the EPA that did this. And they still haven't cleaned it up.
  2. Yes, and the REAL unemployment rate, wage stagnation, racial income inequality, cost of living, cost of food, price of automobiles, government waste will again become front and center in the eyes, minds, and hearts of the MSM now that a Dem has left the office of POTUS.
  3. The Trump Bump! He's technically not even "President elect" yet alone POTUS, and he's turned the country around. The Dow's up about 10% since the election. "Michael, we're bigger than US Steel."
  4. Nigel Farage also write (sic) that he was "especially pleased" at Trump's "very positive reaction to the idea that Sir Winston Churchill's bust should be put back in the Oval Office."
  5. Tell that to people who sold and serviced Pontiacs, Saturns, Hummer, Saab, and oh yes, the GM Bondholders. He still didn't keep them from going bankrupt.
  6. US life expectancy declines for the first time in 20 years. Life expectancy last fell during the peak of the HIV/Aids crisis in 1993. Thank you Obamacare!
  7. Lazy azzed journalists are being pumped out of the journalism schools where they probably spent their time learning how to piss and moan and little else. Exhibit A: http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-earth-longer-days-20161205-story.html Trump interviews multiple candidates for the same job and presses them on what they will do to solve problems. Obama only saw people after they'd been selected and only for the purpose of getting them to accept him. As if he were the interviewee! So the question is: Who chose those people that were brought in to work with Obama? Rham Emanuel and Valerie Jarrett.
  8. And further: “The Democratic Party has become a coastal elitist club and if there is any decision or discussion made to broaden that within the ranks it is squashed,” said Dane Strother, a legendary Washington, DC-based Democratic strategist. “We have completely lost touch with Middle America,” he admits, “How did we go from the party of the little man to the party of the elite?” Then he answers; “Yes, we rightfully should protect the rights of minorities, African-Americans, Hispanics, the LBGTQ communities and we always should — but we can’t forget the rest of the country along the way,” he said. Trump's outreach has usurped their stranglehold on the working class. To paraphrase: "What have you got to lose? Because things haven't been going very well for you supporting Democrats." I used to use Quickeys.
  9. It's like they're in a dream state and walking through a living nightmare. It's the zombie apocalypse I tell ya.
  10. Individual. I noticed it this year. Haven't had the stomach to look back to my 2014 filing. That and the alternative minimum tax had me fuming.
  11. At this point, what difference does it make? wrong forum.
  12. http://time.com/time-person-of-the-year-2016-donald-trump-choice/ Nice digs! Great view from the top.
  13. Indeed he did. "When" has already happened. Things change so fast.
  14. Boo ya! I'm digging that. Trump bounce!
  15. It'll be better than the $3,000 + additional tax I had to pay this year for someone else's abortions.
  16. The Iggles are now #11 in Yds per game given up. Bills are 12th. Bills are 8th in Passing Yds per game given up. Iggles are 13th. Philly's 16th in Rushing Yds per game given up. Bills are 26th.
  17. We're a Republic, not a Democracy which is something these dumbasses don't understand.
  18. He was the financial genius that was Secretary of the Treasury in Bill Clinton's wondrously blessed economic boom years. Of course, he had nothing to do with it - kinda like Richard Nixon being the POTUS when Neil and Buzz walked on the lunar surface. The government mandated Y2K compliance because of the "genius" Bill Gates' lack of foresight when crafting and promoting DOS. It forced companies to spend billions on compliance certification, and created a boom in the tech dot com sector - which promptly went dot bomb when the world burst through the terrifying barrier of January 1, 2000 and woke up to see the traffic lights still working properly, automated drug delivery systems still working, ATMs not spewing twenties in continuous streams, etc., etc., etc.
  19. Well, he didn't call him a WOB (waste of bandwidth).
  20. Obviously. Personally, I grieve much more about the children that are being senselessly slaughtered in our country.
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