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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Yep. This is why they always ask if your condition was the result of an accident or worker's comp. The medical providers love those cases because they charge the bust-out-retail amount because they likely will get it. That is pure gravy for them and allows them to take the medical insurance companies', and medicare's "negotiated" rates. It's a lot like how hospitals charge outrageous amounts for their services and prescriptions, and supplies like bandages and aspirin. They get that money to cover the Emergency Room visits from the indigent and ultra poor that can't pay for their services. Hey, Es La LEY!
  2. He’s only coming here to hector the President and promote the Dems narrative that they’ll be pushing throughout the election: Trump wasn’t serious enough early enough to keep the borders closed, (but he was a racist and xenophobe for what he did do), and didn’t provide enough testing kits, masks, respirators, viral treatments, and vaccine to stop this from coming in to our country.
  3. Those figures might be a bit high. However, one of the reasons I think some of the Wuhan Virus deaths are overstated is that some countries (Italy) state the cause of death as the Wuhan Virus - even though the patient died from something else, e.g., heart attack, diabetes, stroke, cancer. They may have been infected with the virus, but they died from something else, yet they're counted in the group "Died from Covid-19".
  4. Now wait. You’ve been saying for weeks that Trump only cared about the markets and the Dow. How can this be?
  5. Common man! Get with it. ORANGEMANBAD!!!
  6. It’s at least a two week celebration. Jan 25 through Feb 8th this year. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newsbirmingham/how-long-does-chinese-new-year-last-this-is-the-chinese-new-year-calendar-for-2020/ar-BBYUHDI
  7. Tibs and Q-Brat are serious posters who only post the truth along with aspirational and helpful messages. They’re a credit to the Board, and their race.
  8. Nancy Pelosi actively advocated for people to go to SF’s Chinatown for Chinese New Year’s celebrations. People in LA flocked to hundreds of Mardi Gras parades and parties. Spring break saw tens of thousands of college kids on the Florida beaches. Snowbirds from NYC and the NorthEast flew/drove to their Florida condos/rentals. But ORANGEMANBAD.
  9. There weren’t many reliable test for the Wuhan virus and still are not widely available. Why haven’t we been given low-cost rides on a SpaceX flight? #IWANNAKNOWANDGOTTAHAVEITNOWBECAUSEIHEARDITSOUTTHERE!!!
  10. Chinese New Year and Mardi Gras and Spring Break and NY Snowbirds Surely had NO effect on the contagion’s outbreak. [#NYC officials/NO mayor/FL mayorsGOABOUTYOURNORMALLIVES] But OrangeManBad. Yes. He’s the WORST fascist dictator in the history of fascist dictators at a time when the Left DEMANDS A Fascist Dictator!!!
  11. I posted this in another thread, but it belongs here as well.
  12. The CMOH is for military. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest honor for a civilian.
  13. You don't need my permission to be an abject a ### h ####. You're a self-made man.
  14. I've been consistent in saying that the mortality rate of flu victims who are hospitalized is higher than that. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.html Not everyone that gets the flu goes to a doctor. Not everyone that goes to a Dr. gets hospitalized. Those that do get hospitalized die at a significantly high rate. But you know that, and you're now free to go about bashing the POTUS. Symptomatic Illnesses Medical Visits Hospitalizations Deaths Season Estimate 95% U I Estimate 95% U I Estimate 95% U I Estimate 95% U I 2010-2011 21,000,000 (20,000,000 – 25,000,000) 10,000,000 (9,300,000 – 12,000,000) 290,000 (270,000 – 350,000) 37,000 (32,000 – 51,000) 2011-2012 9,300,000 (8,700,000 – 12,000,000) 4,300,000 (4,000,000 – 5,600,000) 140,000 (130,000 – 190,000) 12,000 (11,000 – 23,000) 2012-2013 34,000,000 (32,000,000 – 38,000,000) 16,000,000 (15,000,000 – 18,000,000) 570,000 (530,000 – 680,000) 43,000 (37,000 – 57,000) 2013-2014 30,000,000 (28,000,000 – 33,000,000) 13,000,000 (12,000,000 – 15,000,000) 350,000 (320,000 – 390,000) 38,000 (33,000 – 50,000) 2014-2015 30,000,000 (29,000,000 – 33,000,000) 14,000,000 (13,000,000 – 16,000,000) 590,000 (540,000 – 680,000) 51,000 (44,000 – 64,000) 2015-2016 24,000,000 (20,000,000 – 33,000,000) 11,000,000 (9,000,000 – 15,000,000) 280,000 (220,000 – 480,000) 23,000 (17,000 – 35,000) 2016-2017 29,000,000 (25,000,000 – 45,000,000) 14,000,000 (11,000,000 – 23,000,000) 500,000 (380,000 – 860,000) 38,000 (29,000 – 61,000)
  15. It'll be a great time to reflect on life and death for many, and to bash the POTUS yet again for many others who live lives of spiritual desolation.
  16. What entities out there are testing marijuana therapies to treat the Chinese virus?
  17. So NOW outsourcing to CCP is a problem. Got it.
  18. Yes, he did. He'll fill our strategic reserves at these lower prices and that takes millions of barrels of oil off the open market. Hopefully that will hasten the endgame.
  19. Do you think Putin will try some intervention(s) in other parts of the world when their wells run dry?
  20. This is the other "war" that we're in. Both the Saudis and Putin are trying to destroy the US Shale Oil industry and with it our energy independence. I'd like to see POTUS address this more directly than he has. Of course, the media would harangue us with stories about how he no longer cares about containing the Chinese Corona Virus and is more concerned about his "Big Oil" buddies profits - ignoring the fact that tens of thousands of oil workers will be put out of jobs.
  21. Sure. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 You're welcome. Oh, I forgot to mention - you have to put them in pairs.
  22. They were ordered to stay in their homes and practice social distancing.
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