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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. What's wrong with B. O.? Did he get sick? He's still POTUS for another month or so. Hope whatever he has isn't catching.
  2. 4 Professional Football games in London? That's almost as many as there will be in Buffalo.
  3. Well, if they lose to Pittsburgh and decide to put Cardale in as QB as I've seen strongly advocated in these parts, then you can almost guarantee the Browns will win.
  4. Nonsense. Al's been to several new masseuses since his divorce from Tipper and thinks he's finally been able to release his "second chakra." He was just checking in with the supreme Alpha Male to see if he was now actually doing it right. Al Gore. All you ever need to know about this slimeball AL G.
  5. One can only hope Trump starts by suffocating Paul Krugman. :ph3r: "Everyone who contributed to this outcome — very much, if I may say, including the journalists who elevated the fundamentally trivial issue of Hillary Clinton’s emails into the dominant theme of campaign reporting — bears part of the responsibility for what may end up being a civilization-ending event. No, that’s not hyperbole." And you know this how? Only if President The Donald makes a few "guest" appearances.
  6. Get off my azz, and while yer at it... get off my lawn. You're assuming far too much about me JohnBenAdamsFranklin. Get another hobby. Maybe reconstruct the Pilgrim's original plantation. It might be your particular nirvana.
  7. Fox News! Fox News! It's all their fault.
  8. No pizzin' & moanin' here squire. Just saying it's typical of B. O. and the Dems to try by any means necessary to tarnish the crown that they lost. I'm all for finding out - really, really finding out who hacked who. Let's include our own hacking into foreign governments and political parties while we're at it. Let's include the efforts by B. O. to get Bibi defeated. Oh, do lets. To me, the big deal isn't that hacking was done. It's the content that was revealed that did damage to the Dems. Shall we get Jimmy Carter's grandson indicted while we're at it too? He's the turd that surreptitiously taped Romney's now famous "47% don't pay taxes and won't vote for us, so forget about them." Hell, the Dems nearly gave him a medal of honor for revealing that. And I'd argue that it did a shi t load more damage to Romney's campaign than what was revealed in Podesta's and the DNC emails did to Hillarity Clinton's. Probably an even bigger deal than that is that those azzwipes didn't have good security on their emails to begin with. That goes to the heart of Hillarity's incompetence WRT handling government secrets, and her being fundamentally unfit to be POTUS. Progressives are mental.
  9. Even if it was just a plain old secret, how did he find out about it? I thought we had covered our tracks pretty thoroughly. No one was supposed to find out about this until 2024.
  10. In a move reminiscent of the Clinton White House staffers removing the "W" keys from their computers before leaving and shutting the doors behind them, President B. O. orders the CIA to investigate Russia's tampering with the US Presidential election. The petulant President has to taint Trump's win as much as possible because his minions are such sore losers they are desperate to have a belief in something that "explains" why Hillary lost. Progressiveism is a mental disease.
  11. "Yes, I too pine for the good old days of the Cold War," said George Smiley.
  12. No worries. We know what time it is. LA's just reflecting on the MSM's lack of buy-in to a hot false news story - unlike what they've done in the past when the shoe's been on the other foot.
  13. The Brits aren't a single race either, and yes, I'm talking about the white Brits. They were invaded by German tribes, the Celts, the Vikings, the French, the Romans, etc., etc., etc. Probably the "purest" Brits remaining are the Welsh.
  14. Yes. I agree and concur wholeheartedly with Nancy. They just need to get their message heard. That's all. Maybe she can speak more slowly, and have her henchmen read along with her all the while mouthing the words as they read their "correct" message. Please, just keep saying the same things over and over and over again. It's bound to sink in sooner or later. Amirite?
  15. For the record... it's over. It's really, really over. Here's a linky to the DHS hacking Georgia story. FWIW. https://www.cyberscoop.com/georgia-hack-dhs-brian-kemp-jeh-johnson/
  16. They found the Nazi antartic base. I saw the evidence with my own eyes... right on Youtube.
  17. Sorta like, "Oh, I'm not a Security Guard. I'm a Security Monitor. There's a robbery. "
  18. They would have attacked the carriers had they been in port as they should have been, but bad weather had kept them at sea. Once they blew their wad with the two air strikes, they lost their nerve and retreated. They did not want to engage our carrier fleet without the element of a surprise attack on their side. FWIW, my uncle Raymond was on the Arizona that day. He went topside to take watch duty, relieving his best buddy who went below to sleep in the same bunk Uncle Ray just left. He never saw his buddy again.
  19. Perfect setup for Cleveland to get their first and only win of the season.
  20. Refreshing to hear a sane, articulate Democrat discuss an important issue with a complete absence of histrionics. Oh, and yes.
  21. Shirley ewe canned bee Sirius. Fast and furious IRS targeting Tea Party groups Saving Private Berghdal Benghazi Murders Youtubegate The Arab Spring The overthrow of Mubarak and Gadaffi Iraq retreat and rise of Isis Can't say Islamic Terrorism Release of Gitmo detainees Solyndra The GM bailout
  22. So we'll get to see that infamous shiner again.
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