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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Great. Now when The Bills beat them it won't really be a true win because no True Bills win is really a win unless their starting QB is in the game for all 4 quarters.
  2. I understand that James Baker approves of him as well.
  3. At least Kissinger and Nixon actually ended a hellacious war. B. O. walked away from a winning hand and overturned the poker table in doing so.
  4. Bill Polian Expected To Receive Interest From Bears?Well, how much principle did he loan them? Rates are going up, so I hear.
  5. Bill Clinton proved briefs weren't necessary. They were strictly optional... especially when there were interns around.
  6. Bring back the Politburo! I demand they bring it back! Trump needs more Czars!!! What kind of gubment don't have no Czars? Obama had 45 of them. Trump doesn't have any.
  7. He wants to transfer them to the torture cells in the White House basement.
  8. Oh yes, all the better to more easily export terrorism around the globe... not to mention we can now get Cuban cigars without breaking the law. That, and a tidal wave of handsome new Che Guevara Tee shirts. Forward!
  9. THIS reveals all! http://youtu.be/8ryS1o0u31E
  10. Those white collar jobs are nothing American students are interested in. They don't want to be burdened with jobs. They want money and pot.
  11. So we've successfully overthrown elected governments in Nicaragua, Iran, tried to at least a dozen times to do it in Cuba, were successful in Lybia, and Egypt, we're trying our damnedest to do it in Syria, and B. O. tried his damnedest to overthrow Bibi Netanyahu in Israel by interfering with his reelection, as well as stuck his nose in the Brexit vote. We cyber spy on all countries - friend and foe. And even IF... IF the Rooskies snatched the emails from Donna Brazille's underwear where she probably hid them a-la Sandy Berger and gave them to Wikipeeps, we're going to get out panties in a wad because we're so !@#$ing pure? Adam Schiff sounds a lot like BF... pushing the UNSUBSTANTIATED talking points. Hey, it's what progressives do. http://youtu.be/TqKkWFYL7FY
  12. Sous vide some Shah's spleen instead. It'll take less time.
  13. Of course they should clean house after they win the SuperBowl. As long as they let me take the Lombardi Trophy home for safekeeping.
  14. Shovel-ready jobs? The Kenyan model. Didn't know gatordude was a Birther.
  15. He's due to get another soon. No doubt about it.
  16. Who's he supposed to nominate - Caroline Kennedy?
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