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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I can't believe our intelligence community who were the same folks who swore there were WMDs in Iraq, and "fooled" W, the Congress, and Senate, and the Omerican peoples into invading that sovereign sh ithole in order to topple its gubment would get this Rooskie bidness wrong. It seems unpossible. They're unflappable, infallible, unerring, and motivated by the purest of the pure ideals.
  2. Look at the crowds of Russian sympathizers!
  3. It's all a matter of who's ox is getting gored. Isn't it.
  4. Well I "guarantee" that Mr. Big Toke, our tub-o'-goo hisself, will get in trouble between now and the start of the 2017 season.
  5. Thanks. Another thing about it. It was filmed in black and white. So, totally lacking in nuance which is strange because it's set in a southern town. And what's confusing as all get out is the woman who was an ant named bee. Prescient foreshadowing GMO no doubt.
  6. Well, at nearly every George Carlin concert there was a spectrum in the audience ranging from geniuses to azzholes. You can't control everything. Only Mother Russia can. And for the record, I had to look up "JQ". Dirty little focker. I thought when I posted about Trump's daughter Ivanka being an Orthodox Jew, and Trump Jr's wife also being Jewish it might have changed his tone. But alas, he's tone deaf.
  7. Conjurers up images of nuts stuffed into cheeks?
  8. Shouldn't come as a real surprise. After "being lied to" by GW and his administration to get us into war with Iraq, one would think the MSM would have done their damnedest to put a super-duper microscopic eye on any and all stories coming out of Washington. But what happened? They fell in love with B. O. and promptly dropped any semblance of objective journalism. They're like a group of grammar school children on a field trip at the zoo. They're lost in having a wonderful time being them. Oh look, there's a giraffe, a REAL giraffe! Isn't it cool? Let's get some more cotton candy.
  9. They're just updating GoogleMaps app to pinpoint Trump's location on the map of Manhattan.
  10. Uh, that would be the US Department of Pulitzer, and the William Randolph Hearst Governmental Agency of Information Sharing. I guess.
  11. The Department of Energy refusal is as unprecedented as the Trump transition team's initial request for the names.The Department of Energy (DOE) has refused to give the individual names of workers associated with work on climate change in response to a request from President-elect Donald Trump.
  12. What bothers me is that the bolded part is taken as gospel, and I'm reluctant to join in the "hands-up don't vote" crowd or "Blue votes matter" when we don't really know for certain who stole the info, who were they working for/with, what did they intend for the leaks to do? What did they get out of it? You say with such certainty that it was the Rooskies. I'm not totally convinced it was them or them alone. At this point, I think we don't know enough to be able to understand the full nature of what went down, yet alone for a team of one branch of the CIA to leak to a hot-to-trot WaPo "journalist" the tantalizing red meat that "The Russians hacked the election and wanted Trump to win" line of happy horse shi t story-line that's been taken and run with like it's the next coming of the OJ Simpson white Bronco low-speed freeway chase. Where's Julian? Who killed Seth Rich, and why?
  13. Right. It should be billioins upon billions by now.
  14. How many voting booths got hacked? How many polling places had their vote counts changed by the Rooskies/Chinese/KidsAtMIT? How many states changed color because of the activities mentioned above? Which ones were they, and did they change to blue or red? How many electoral votes did Hillary lose because of the activities mentioned above? How many hours of outrage did she spend because of the activities mentioned above? Inquiring minds want to know.
  15. The Andy Griffith Show. Nobody on the show was married, except Otis Campbell the town drunk who would lock himself into the jail cell to get away from his wife and sleep it off.
  16. We know he's been to London, and the Caribbean, so it's not like he hasn't been to other countries at all. He might get consideration. Did you know that Trump was thinking of buying The Bills? So he might already know about the Rex of which you speak. Keep yer fingers crossed. Edit: On second thought Rex's Rushin' defense might not be up to snuff enuff.
  17. That brings up a question. How much nit could a nitpicker pick, if a nitpicker could pick nit?
  18. I really hope that Laura Ingraham gets the job as White House Press Secretary. There will be daily beat-downs in the basement.
  19. I think we all know the DNC 27 year old kid Seth Rich who was murdered at 3:00 AM on the streets of Washington, DC was the leaker. Were the Rooskies involved? Perhaps. Perhaps the Clintonistas hired them to rub him out. It fits their M. O.
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