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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. They get more because they kicked gatordude out of the state. It's only fair.
  2. Carucci on the hot seat? Timmah too? Inquiring minds want to know.
  3. Can't wait to read how badly this win hurts The Bills. The mood on The Wall will be dismal this week fo' sho'.
  4. And yet they lost to The Ravens, JESTS, and Seahawks by 6, The Fins by 3. They're keeping it close most games.
  5. As a native Rochesterian, we used to say, "There's no hope but Mt. Hope," as in Mt. Hope Cemetery. She can take her "hopelessness and world without hope" back to Chicago where she can fuss over how the country is now going to hell in a hand basket because her wonderful husband is no longer the leader-from-behind in chief.
  6. My how the Dems have "progressed" from, "Mitt, the 80's called and wants its foreign policy back," through a "reset" (sic) it actually said "overload" button, to now they see Vlad the Impaler is the most evil tyrant the world has ever seen and he won't even let us topple Asad. Oh, the horror!
  7. It'll make him more attractive to his next employer. Could it be the Pegulas?
  8. Nixon wasn't impeached. Where's the proof? We're all anxious to hear what proof they have. Wikileaks who spread the emails say this isn't so.
  9. Hack the election - who cares? But steal our drone - the Markets start to tank!
  10. Meanwhile, China commits an act of war against the US... Seizes US underwater drone. And we all know how fond of drones B. O. is.
  11. And that's just fer starters. The whites are going to riot in your neighborhood.
  12. Why all the whites is gonna go upside the head of every Negro and Moslem and Hispanic, and grab all da womens by their puzzy! That's whot. Don'tcha'know?
  13. He will unleash a cyber attack in the form of a strongly worded email that will say: "Not funny, Vlad. Sincerely yours, Barak"
  14. And the opium trade (which by the way is how the Roosevelt family made their fortune).
  15. Thanks for the reminder. Feel better. Here, this should help.
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