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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. She sure knows how to get a lot of angry Latinos to vote for her... especially in California.
  2. I wish Diamond and Silk would do a counter video telling those snowflakes to suck it up shut up.
  3. Like driving a truck through a crowd of people. Their God might be great, but they're murdering azzholes.
  4. Not really. Her brother Kevin however... simply Deplorable.
  5. The religion of peace. Yes, let's bring more of them here. As long as they settle in California. California deserves them.
  6. Here cheekbones weren't high enough, apparently.
  7. I didn't know this before today. It was Eric Holder who approached Bill Clinton with the idea to pardon Marc Rich. “Holder failed to inform the prosecutors under him that the Rich pardon was under consideration, despite the fact that he was aware of the pardon effort for almost two months before it was granted.” The prosecutor who was after Rich... James Comey.
  8. Yer map kinda looks like a Llama kicking a soccer ball.
  9. Wow. Why did Putin have his Ambassador killed? Climate Change?
  10. http://www.270towin.com/live-2016-presidential-election-vote-of-electors/ 240 for The Donald 108 for The Loser 190 "pending"
  11. "If oppression is the currency of social advantage, there will never be enough oppression to go around." http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/12/students_of_color_conference_at_university_of_california_reportedly_dissolves_into_a_fight_over_who_is_most_oppressed.html#ixzz4TJGOiEb2
  12. OJ had 12 in 1973 and 16 in 1975. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/S/SimpO.00.htm Thurman's highest year was 1990 when he scored 11. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/T/ThomTh00.htm http://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/rush_td_single_season.htm Shady had 17 in 2011.
  13. He's still winning, people. Still winning. Winning. Winning. Winning. Winning.
  15. Debbie Downers. Vic looks like he's got stage 3 cancer.
  16. If The Bills win this game, will it count? Will it really mean anything? I mean the phucking phins won't have their quarterback back, so won't it be a worthless win if they win? Games only count when the opponent is at full strength - right? I mean no TRUE win is a victory and a cause to celebrate unless we beat the opponent at their best. Amirite?
  17. "Abedin, 40, who has been by Clinton’s side since she was a White House intern during President Bill Clinton’s tenure." Says it all.
  18. And don't forget the inverse correlation of a woman's breast size and a man's publicly demonstrated IQ.
  19. Seriously. It can get caught on a pube.
  20. OMG, OMG, OMG!!! Finally my prayers have been answered! (it's about time - God!). Gus has been relieved of his duties as HC of MY Jacksonville Jaguars. It's my time. It's my time.It's my time.It's my time.It's my time.It's my time.It's my time. I just know it. Oh Thank YOU lucky stars!!! I'm waiting, waiting, waiting for Kahn to call. GodDamnit phone... why won't you ring?
  21. They obviously have mixed emotions about their chances now of getting grabbed by the kitty now that Trump will be POTUS and his minions of deplorables will be roaming the streets and molesting women with abandon. You know - just like the Muslim immigrants in Germany do.
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