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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. The idiot apparently doesn't recognize he was ineligible to run. "If I had run, I would have beaten Trump."
  2. Pomeranian - isn't that German for Penguin?
  3. If Israel owns the territory, they are legal. Should the United States return Texas, and the western states including California to Mexico because those were the spoils of the Mexican war?
  4. This abstention from a UN Security Council vote against Israel is a crass blunder that is probably only superseded by the USSR Security Council walk-out that allowed the UN to send armed forces to save South Korea. B. O. is a putz through and through. He remains a rank amateur WRT global political dynamics and important interactions. He s hit the bed on this one... big time.
  5. It's all on the shoulders of the "heach" coach. No doubt about it.
  6. When they came to my area I'd never heard of them, nor heard the name pronounced. I was "thinking" Chick - Fil - Uh? Crazy name for a FF joint. Then I heard Jon Gruden mention how he worked at a Chick-Fill-Aye as a kid. Then it made sense. The pickles on their chicken sandwich makes it. IMO.
  7. Exactly! It's been great fun watching the "Progressive" wackjobs make fools of themselves by going low at every opportunity. Lest ye forget it was the threat of Reagan's "Star Wars" program that would have bankrupted the Soviet Union and helped lead to it's demise.
  8. Oh you know who she is all right. I didn't know either just by her name, so I googled it. She'd be a perfect "Progressive" to run in 2020. Perfect.
  9. There likely isn't a case to be made for probably cause that every perv's laptop could have US Government classified documents inside. Hillary was loose with her security. Huma was derelict in passing along those emails, or letting her perv hubby use her laptop. Weiner had no right to be anywhere near those emails of Hillary and Huma.
  10. Oh, Lena would be a perfect candidate. Or Keith Ellison. Maybe they could run together.
  11. Oh. So, a typical "progressive". Got it.
  12. Empathy? This deranged lib has none: http://youtu.be/dlB1qTyIeK0
  13. Can't stand Alan Alda's pontifications in each episode. As the seasons progressed, they became more unbearable and frankly unwatchable. I far prefer the Altman original film. That was genius.
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