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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Four. Four actually. He heard a loud (distant explosion) and accidentally backed into the sharp corner of a desk while shaving which caused a deep bruise which made his razor slip and he got cut. The explosion was some US hand grenades being lobbed at a few teenage VC. So he claimed he was wounded in enemy combat as a result. Our hero. Shot a fleeing teenager in the back and "witnessed rapes, atrocities and murders" (his own should be included) committed by US troops. #fragworthydouche
  2. You could have simply said, from the dawn of civilization.
  3. Imagine the media outrage when Trump invites student Blake Friel to the White House for a hot chocolate summit. It'll be his first Muslim-clock-bomb-boy moment... in reverse, of course.
  4. I give two shites about what Marcell Dareus thinks. Shut up. Show up. And play the damn game with the God-given gifts you have. If he had done that and put down the wacky weed we'd have a berth in the Playoffs now.
  5. Indeed he does. He has an account and has posted here. Spoken for truth.
  6. There's always a wet rubber shower mat around somewhere. He's auditioning for a backup role for The Bills this Sunday. They'll let TT walk and keep EJ - if only for the delicious psycho theater drama that will engender in these parts.
  7. Yes please. That should work out well.
  8. Some people take themselves WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY too seriously.
  9. Smart business decision. Tyrod will be throwing the pigskin in Denver next year. So we get the Toiletbowl.
  10. On the other hand, lack of skill AND luck:
  11. And the beat goes on. The fans go crazy at the news... While the Sisyphean quest for the playoffs continues...
  12. Indeed. Santa gave wifey & me one for Christmas! Serious question. If you buy meat that is vacuum sealed by the grocery chain - can you use that to cook in or would the plastic wrap they use fumigate the meat during sous vide? Last year we had a thread about Christmas dinner and there was a lot of talk about doing Prime Rib. Low and slow in the oven to get it uniformly within 5 degrees of doneness, then taking it out for a rest while you crank up the oven to do the sear. It's very much like the sous vide process, but without the water.
  13. Does the NFL rules allow a poster to have two accounts in the same fan website as long as he doesn't live in the same city?
  14. Common man, ya expect them to lose in perpetuity? They've got to break through some time... don't they? Had they beaten Miami, there would have been one more week for the faithful to cross their fingers, toes, and eyes hoping for a playoff game.
  15. Jews lived in East Jerusalem for thousands of years until the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 when the Jordanians conquered it. The Israelis got it back and then some in the 1967 war.
  16. Can this game be moved to Thursday night so we can get a head start on the off season? Just wondering.
  17. The idiot probably doesn't realize what a dagger in the back that claim is to Hillary. Then again does Obamacare? Probably not. He's going out as the biggest loser in terms of foreign policy that the US has ever had. Stabbed Israel in the back, created ISIS by pulling our troops out of Iraq, cheered the Muslim Brotherhood to victory over Mubarak in Egypt, Russian Reset, Ukraine capitulation, Red line in his shorts for Syria, Arms for ISIS allies, Fast & Furious, open southern border, etc., etc., etc. He's the biggest putz on the world stage.
  18. You're not thinking about "OD-ing on heroine" anytime soon, are ya?
  19. Putting solar panels on your rooftop looks like you've put a hodgepodge series of toaster ovens and colanders up there. Musk has the right idea, but his company's designs won't be in full production for some time.
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