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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Why oh why are they ripping up Bills? If they've got that much cash, why not just give it to somebody (me), or donate it to charity. Seems a waste to rip up Bills - even on New Year's eve. Maybe they partied too much and were drunk.
  2. It will begin when we hear the real purpose of B. O.'s visit to Kooba. He will announce the closing of Guantanamo and the release of all the detainees. Plus he'll be giving the base back to tha Koobans. Marines - including Jack Nickleson - will have to leave the island in 24 Hrs. Putney Swope.
  3. I think we have a 100% chance of going without a Playoff appearance in the last 17 years. What do I win?
  4. Many if not most people would simply spend it and not have enough in their checking account to pay up at the end of the quarter no less at the end of the year. They'd have to borrow the money or put it on a credit card - assuming they have one. Do you know that African Americans don't have access to the Internet, and don't know how to navigate their way around it even if they do? It's hard for them to get to the DMV too. They already don't have ID and it's a burden to them to get it. So they probably don't have checking accounts either and would have a very hard time figuring out how to write one - even if it is to the government. [/uCBerkleyStudentsAndProgressivesEverywhere]
  5. So wait, you mean there won't be a coronation after all? But, but, but we were promised!
  6. You mean we're NOT millionaires? It sounded better when we were millionaires.
  7. Knock it off! Veteran's Day is November 11th! Another sign the FO is messed. [/#deflategate]
  8. What's even more annoying about him is that game day ball he has on display behind him that the Redskins gave him (as their GM) after their SB XXVI victory.
  9. Putney Swope. I called it eight years ago.
  10. Less extravagant wasteful excess in Washington... what? Unpossible!
  11. The dummies he inherited didn't buy in to his D. Being a "Player's Coach" he backed off spoon feeding them classroom learning and dumbed down his schemes. He should have gotten into some faces - like Mario's and Marcel's and read them the riot act and sat their azzes until they did their job. He had the inmates running the asylum, players playing the game the way THEY wanted to play it - if at all - but not to the level of where they could be weapons in his schemes. Not having a Jim Leonard hurt. Closest to that type of a backfield master sergeant was Aaron Williams.
  12. That makes me suspicious too. If you can't log in to your account, how can you post as yourself in the site? I think we should hurt dib. Seriously, if there is an issue beyond a LAMP, then PM an Admin. They should be able to help. Otherwise... that way lies madness.
  13. First play of the last game of the season: EJ hands off to Reggie Bush who runs behind the line of scrimmage in circles for 15 minutes until the refs blow the whistle to end the quarter. Wash, rinse, repeat. 0-0 tie to end the season.
  14. Sure. The image(s) have to have a url. i.e., they have to be somewars on the Intarwebs with an http address. (Try tiny pic if you're going to upload images that aren't on the webby. Then you post them using either the picture tool, or roll your own using [ im g] http://urlofmypicturething. c o m[ / im g] but deleting the spaces and putting the linky thingy between the [ ] img brackets [ / ] . Again, lose the spaces. It ain't rocket surgery.
  15. Legendary BYU coach and one of the preeminent founders of the "West Coast Offense" passed away after suffering a fall on Christmas. RIP Coach.
  16. How do you block posters? I've forgotten where to look for that setting.
  17. Lump of coal for Tyrod this Christmas. Has to be a bitter pill.
  18. Now just wait a gosh-darned minute! I draw the line at a downpour of elephant piss. A little drizzle perhaps. Anymore than that, and I'll pay some PC kid $5 an hour to hold my spot. And just what exactly do you think his options are for one with such little talent? Go to another city and take it by storm? He's a one trick pony like the other side of the coin to Sully.
  19. JHFC I missed that till now. That's abhorrent, and thoroughly cravenly disgusting. He's abhorrent, and thoroughly cravenly disgusting. Mods need to delete that pic at the very least. IMHO. :angry:
  20. He might kick the UN out of the US. They could redevelop the land (he's good at that). He could redeploy the nukes in Turkey to Israel.
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