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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Ugh! And I was hoping it was because he comes from Kanuckistan and hopped over our border trying to subvert the status quo, which is to say, he's a tool of the Illuminati and going forward we're all going to be having cereal for every meal and actually liking it. Peoples gots to give Pegs a bit of space here. Dey's learnin'.
  2. Tyrod did do a lot of great things last year. He deserves a lot of credit whether or not he's here next year or not, he was the best QB we've had on the field in many, many years.
  3. Shouldn't we hate Cleveland just that much more for banging Sammy up during that "scrimmage" his rookie year? I hate all other NFL franchises. Some more than others. Some much more than others.
  4. Whaley stay'in, just say'in. http://pro32.ap.org/article/apnewsbreak-bills-owner-outlines-reasons-he-fired-rex-ryan
  5. Border patrols. That's what it takes. It don't take no idiot to recognize that. Stop & Frisk.
  6. Can't wait for the Occupy movement to get going again. That's the kind of "healthy" protests that Stretch Pelosi really likes.
  7. I'm quite disgusted by Marcel's actions over the last year. IMO, he should either dedicate himself to being the best NFL player possible at his position using his God-given gifts and natural abilities. Or, he should sack up and retire at an early age, because he's going to lose more supporters than win them if he continues with his lack-luster, dilettante approach to the game is clearly a detriment to his growing as a professional.
  8. Why not have the state troopers monitor the gun shops near the border in Indiana for cars with Illinois licenses and stop them once they cross back over? The NJ State troopers are famous for doing that to catch illegal fireworks from being bought in PA and transported across state lines illegally.
  9. Better 11th than 10th, contract wise.
  10. That was an outstanding play. Hey, after blowing the NFL record for fewest turnovers, at least they captured the "Most craptacular play of the year" with that little brain fart.
  11. Pizz-poor blocking by our Offensive Line. They're very offensive today.
  12. This does not look like The Bills. Where are the penalties?
  13. Tyrod was 8 years away when he got drafted. He might be another 2 or 3 years away still.
  14. The Bills are set up to fail. It seems intentional too.
  15. Lynn was the Jags RB coach in 2003 and 2004 when Fred Taylor was a beast. "Ground and pound." Must'a made an impression somehow on Bradley.
  16. The first law of spousal gift giving. If you don't get what you want - you go get what you want.
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