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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. And wearing masks. Must wear a mask. Common man. You get a mask too!
  2. Are the Neanderthals responsible for the 10,000 foot thick sheet of glacier that covered New York State and most of the New England states receding some 20,000 years ago? If so, we owe them a debt of gratitude because that glacier retreat formed Long Island, Block Island, Fishers Island, the Elizabeth Islands, Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, and Chappaquiddick. Not to mention the Great Lakes and the Finger Lakes! ?
  3. This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang, but a whimper.
  4. I think one of the gnarly players is a mod. C-YA!
  5. That happens after they call in the FBI Police.
  6. No one is allowed to die in America unless it’s from The CCP’s COVID-19 Wuhan Virus.
  7. Not to worry Alf. If you were on fire we’d throw you overboard.
  8. Bad actors are watching this all play out. It will be easy for them to construct the methodology and modality of the next attack which will wipe out western civilization.
  9. My prayers for the little one. My daughter had open heart surgery at four months. It’s a terrible ordeal for everyone. My daughter is now 37. I have very high regard for pediatric cardiovascular surgeons and their teams.
  10. Why you RACIST XENOPHOBE YOU!!!! China must be trusted! WHO must be trusted! The CCP MUST BE TRUSTED!!!!!!! The WaPo and NYT and CNN, and MSNBC, MUST BE TRUSTED!!!!
  11. You’re an Azz. What if FDR had stopped the Nazis from killing the Jews. Why didn’t he send assistance to Wake, and also stop the Bataan Death March? He’s a Debbie Downer. He hates Trump and optimism.
  12. Face it Alf, you’re just a racist xenophobe globalist, and fascist wannabe too.
  13. No. But you do. Glad to see you back meazza. Sorry it took this farging pandemic to do it though. Your viewpoints improve this place. Hoping you’ll stay. Here’s the virus test that we all crave and need right now:
  14. I should have posted this earlier. Totally anecdotal but here’s my story. I was bitten by a deer tick a little over two years ago and just after returning from China. Oddly enough, Wuhan was the city we visited after landing in Shanghai. I had the bullseye rash, swelling, and pain. The tick was still in me and I went to emergent care here on The Cape. The Doc pulled the rest of it out (I got most of it out) but the head was still burrowed deep. Bottom line - we “Sent a tick to college” which is a program here that lets you send your biting bug to a lab for analysis of several diseases -Lyme being the main one -BUT not the ONLY one. My results came back positive for Lyme and another nasty little f ***** r. The Doc had already given me a script for Doxycycline and I was on it for a few weeks. Doxy rips up your stomach, but you have to take the full regimen because Lyme is line syphilis- if you don’t knock it out, it can leave bugs in your blood that will turn your brain into sauerkraut in about 30 years. BG, I’m older than your uncle. I’m a symptomatic (for Lyme) lots of other symptoms, but that out of scope right now. But the key to controlling the disease is getting treatment ASAP and sticking with the regimen. Let me introduce you to Larry The Tick Guy I’ve met and talked with him several times (before and after the bite). If you want to know more about these little nasty bastages, he’s a great source. Hope the OP’s relative is doing well. That said, getting out on a respirator so quickly doesn’t sound like Lyme disease. Hope it’s overreaction by the MDs.
  15. A guy in my gun club in NJ had one of those black powder revolvers. It’s an impressive piece. In NJ it is considered a firearm. So I suspect it is in California as well. In fact, in NJ air rifles and pellet guns are considered firearms and you must get a Firearm Purchase ID Card and a separate pistol purchase permit for each handgun.
  16. Could be little ones or parents hanging around.
  17. ‘‘Tibs is just a terrible poster, totally unfit for the job.
  18. A Man For These Times. Ah hem. It is George Carlin live, so its NSFW.
  19. Maybe if Our spy network hadn’t been obliterated we might have gotten some warnings earlier. The world will never be the same.
  20. Trump’s by and large playing nice with him and the Democrat governors that aren’t biting at his ankles. You’re right though, he will ask him that and more if and when Biden collapses his campaign and Cuomo becomes the nominee. I give that about a 55 - 45% chance of happening at this point. He’ll have to answer for his time as chief of HUD and his role in the housing mortgage collapse that fueled the Great Recession too.
  21. He doesn’t have to because the media will never ask him that question or any other that might put him in less than the heavenly glow of the New Democrat front runner for 2020.
  22. Perry Fewell went to that D II school Lenoir-Rhyne.
  23. Remember this. My mask protects you. Your mask protects me. WTF! How well thought out is this? When mosquito season is on us, don’t they think that some of this Wuhan virus will be transmitted by them to other humans? That idiocy is brought to us by the paper and plastic grocery bag banning know-it-alls.
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