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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. It'll top 100 easily. He can do that during a meet and greet of an NBA Championship team. Including I, me, my, mine, altogether I'd say about 185.
  2. Whoa, whoa, whoa, there. Just a minute now. That's crazy talk GG. You're not suggesting the big stars are gonna give away their money so peons can live in Kalifornia? If they wanted to do that, they'd claim residency in that state instead of the tax free ones like Nevada, Washington, and Wyoming that they do.
  3. How did Jack Kennedy get to appoint Robert Kennedy as his Attorney General?
  4. 14th point: Hold your breath till your face turns blue and you faint. Make sure it's captured on video so you can post your sacrifice for the entire Intarswebs to see.
  5. It's craven political hypocrisy, plain and simple. Yes. Of course. OUR intentions are "good".
  6. Did their GM know of his hiring before it was announced? Or was there too much urgency to the situation?
  7. The EPA poisons our rivers and Obama did NOTHING about it.
  8. When you go to the gas station to fill 'er up - do they ask you how much money you earn a year and then base your price per gallon? Or at the store buying groceries, or buying a car? Dems want to "Make Americans Poor Again" because that's the only way they can stay in power.
  9. "When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose." That's rich. How about when the Dem Congress voted to take money from me to spread it around to pay for other people's healthcare insurance premiums. Oh, but it's "free" to some people too. Who pays for the premiums other than taxes the government imposes on its people... UNEQUALLY.
  10. Can only mean one thing. The Pegulas are putting The Bills up for sale. They've had enough of the criticism.
  11. Sure, but a lot of the volume of "stories" are regurgitated echo chamber crap. Criticism is fine, but a lot of comments and stories are petty journalism.
  12. Best thing I remember about Joe Banner is how Bang!Cartoons ridiculed him so badly. It was hilarious. The cartoons aren't up on extreme skins any more. Too bad. Some were comedy gold. Oh, and more conjecture by the "media".
  13. I think the key to getting him back is to start a thread with the title: Chupacabra, Chupacabra, Chupacabra!
  14. It's the float valve. I've got Kohler toilets with the 3 1/4" canister "flapper". You have to take off the float valve cap, remove the rubber seal, clean it and flush out the valve. Other tanks have different float valves which might require replacing the float unit. I did the whole process to all three toilets and after about an hour, I started hearing the same high pitched whine. WTF! Turns out it was a battery charger/air pump unit I had in the garage that had a severely drained battery. Once I put that puppy on charge peace and harmony were restored to my abode. A fix for the other style of float valve: How to fix a whistling terlet!
  15. Not saying that at all. Trump's a horse of a different color. That in and of itself is to a certain degree, "refreshing". He has a stream-of-consciousness rambling style that I liken to that of Mike Francesa but I find it far less annoying. But I think people who judge his intellect by his speech patterns should also look at the ramblings of some of our other leaders. GW was pilloried for his poor speaking skills. B. O. not so much, though I think he's a jug-eared stuttering doofus who is like an boxer with no arms when he's free winging talking without his teleprompter crutches.
  16. Marine Corpsemen everywhere roll their eyes in disbelief.
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