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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Pulling for Green Bay over here in this corner.
  2. There seems to be two: Raheem Morris Assistant HC/Wide Receivers Coach Falcons
  3. Refund button is what the commies are looking for.
  4. I am very uncomfortable with civil forfeiture and think it should be severely curtailed. As it stands, it's little more than legalized theft. The dope laws have to be reworked. Maybe it's best that Sessions is out of the legislative arena. He doesn't seem like a guy that would make laws out of whole cloth like some recent AGs have.
  5. No more rubles for the Clinton Foundation!
  6. Executive recruiting is an industry in and of itself. Why not engage the services of such a firm when you're looking for an executive to run a department of over 100 people who you're going to pay $4 or $5 million a year to for the next few years at least? Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. It's a much better approach than having the lap dog Russ slobbering over an old college chum and new owners going ga-ga and losing their heads over a traveling carnival barker. It's time to get serious. It's way past time. Seriously.
  7. The manufacturer is having the soles remade with treads that leave little Che Guevara images. So the little darlings who wear them will feel much better about themselves.
  8. Nice Job on the Cuban refugees B. O. Stabbed them in the back too. Nice going!
  9. The Dems took a wrecking ball, backhoe, and road grader to the US Healthcare Insurance industry by passing the ACA. We can't go back to the old "system" - really "systems". The Dems never were interested in entertaining discussion on Republican proposals, even though the Republicans recognized there were significant problems with the former status quo. Subsidies aren't the answer, or at least the entire answer. That's just taking from some people and spreading the wealth around as B. O. would say. It's short sighted. The Republicans say they have plans that will address pre-existing conditions, and allow for affordable HC Insurance coverage. They're up at bat. Should be an interesting inning. And if Trump wants to strong arm American Pharma to lower their prices, perhaps he would do better to apply some pressure of the Canadians, Europeans, Japanese, etc. to pay their fair share of the drug development costs that are borne nearly 100% by the American consumer. THAT's the fundamental reason prescription drugs are so high in the US vis-á-vis their costs in the formularies of foreign countries.
  10. Tell us, tell us, tell us. Don't keep us in suspense and longer!
  11. Absolutely! Don't you know anything about football?
  12. I just hope he rides off into the sunset... in the general direction of The Villages.
  13. One wonders if she would be allowed to sign a book deal while POTUS , sorry, that thought got me ill.
  14. Absolutely not. He wouldn't do it anyway. But if you think the FO is dysfunctional now, imagine what his time here would be like.
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