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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Don't click on the pic. It's Yuuge!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. According to Don Imus, little Billy Mahr used to hang out in the studio banging everything including curtains that would hold still for at least 30 seconds. Said he's got quite the wang.
  3. Norman Esiason approves that message.
  4. He's commuting Chelsea's sentence. No, not Chelsea Clinton... Chelsea Manning.
  5. Seriously. She held "rallies" of dozens of people - or a few hundred at most of them. Trump filled stadiums and convention halls with his.
  6. Paying Leftists $2,500 Plus to demonstrate against Trump! "Grassroots my azz.
  7. Can we call him Chad Football? 'Cause he reminds me a lot of Johnny Foolsball.
  8. "If you had a pint of butyric acid, I don't care how big the building is, it's closing." DC Anti-Fascist Coalition
  9. So is TT having surgery again today, or is he still having surgery?
  10. Seriously, FBI. He only killed 49 people and so a few dozen others were wounded. Big deal. He's obviously not a terrorist. [/obama'slegacyshallprevail]
  11. Well, Hillary self identifies as a woman of the common people. So there are even crazier psychological impedance mismatches.
  12. Good God man, what are you suggesting? That's not allowed here - even over at PPP.
  13. Time to take matters into your own hands - so to speak. Next big event - her Bday, your Anniversary, whatever... get one as a present for her.
  14. Take a sharp left when you get to Sandy Ago and head with the family to Tijuana! Everything is priced in Mexican dollars, but they're about $.45 US.
  15. Whenever I see John Lewis these days, I'm reminded of these guys:
  16. It will take decades for historians to begin to come to the conclusion that the reason it was shut down was because (although they'll hate to admit it) it was found to be largely a pay-for-play scheme. Their contributions were predicated on Hillary winning the White House and her being able to give government deals to those people and powers that greased her palms. Her palms are already greasy enough apparently.
  17. It's a done deal... according to wikipedia. Some editor out there has itchy typing' fingers.
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