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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. But what if gays and lesbians wanted to eat there?
  2. I'm not "attacking" you. I just said you're full of hate - and you are. And I also said you're full of ****. And you are. I don't know about your deleted post. Maybe you did it yourself. Maybe you wiped it from the server... like with a cloth.
  3. It's on like a mofo! How ironic. How ironic.
  4. Pasta Joe, you're so full of hate... and s hit.
  5. I confess, I was wrong about Obama after all. Chris Rock set me straight.
  6. Well then. The unemployment rate just went to zero! What an election.
  7. That's a powerful story. I guess compared to being a convicted traitor whose actions got people killed and helped the rise of ISIS and being sentenced to 35 years in Leavenworth prison as well as being a trans-gender morphodite wanting to have its sausage converted into a purse, simply being confused about one's sexual orientation really pales in comparison. That's how Progressive heroes are made.
  8. So our knickers should be in a twist because the Russians/SomeDNCinsider sent Jon Podesta's emails to Wikileaks, but B. O. commutes the sentence of Bradley Manning who gave Wikileaks over 300k government and military documents that caused the deaths of several Iraqis who were working with the US and we should just marvel at the Dingbat in Chief's magnanimity and great judicial wisdom. Got it.
  9. Such incompetence on display. He deserves to be mocked.
  10. Another woman of the people - classless Senator Phauxahontas:
  11. Mnuchin's interrogation is interesting. Reminds me a bit of Tim Geithner's failure to pay taxes kerfuffle.
  12. Responsible journalism or the last gasping desperate hope of "Progressives"?
  13. The Dems are the new Party of NO! They have little power and their ideas are bankrupt. They have no bench. They turned their backs on middle America more than a decade ago and lots of those votes aren't coming back to a party that's increasingly petulant, bitter, hateful, spiteful, angry, hostile to any form of comity, and run by arrogantly insufferable elitists who "know" what's best for everyone and are hell bent to force people to live by their rules.
  14. I can picture Zucker screaming at his lawyers a-la the Wisconsin purple sweater wearing Electoral College vote woman protester, "THIS MY HAWAII! This is MY Hawaii!"
  15. She's clearly a subversive trying to undermine the integrity of the power structure at that indoctrination camp.
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