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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Then why start a thread on something no one knows much of anything about?
  2. "It was a disgusting Internet video which we had nothing to do with!"
  3. Innarestin' to see Blzrul in action. Good find!
  4. That's not true. It was Marco Rubio who brought that up... to the eternal infamy of his name.
  5. Well, for starters there's this interesting article that I found upstream in the thread. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/22/politics/trump-renegotiate-nafta/index.html
  6. "Your healthcare premiums will be reduced by $2,500 a year, on average."
  7. They've started calling him, "Mr. Trump" when they should be calling him, "Mr. President". Good to see Border Agents actually doing their job. WTF! WTF? WTF is wrong with you EII? Three million women take to the streets because they think Trump's going to hit them? What's the basis for your perverted thoughts? They have more to worry about from this creep: http://youtu.be/mMtTR5oiPs0
  8. I think Bill Clinton registered for an account. http://youtu.be/mMtTR5oiPs0
  9. How 'bout looking at the title of your very own thread for starters?
  10. "If you like your healthcare plan... you can keep your healthcare plan." The original premise of your thread is POTUS alternative facts. Like that's supposed to be original Observer/JA/Ben?
  11. She never governed anything. Hell, she couldn't even govern her friggin' husband. She "flew millions of miles", well so did Carly Fiorina. http://youtu.be/mMtTR5oiPs0
  12. You're bind Tiber. He's made the Republicans pivot on a lot of issues. Yes, it's through his force of will. We're seeing a real Alpha male at work here.
  13. He's also Observer unless I miss my guess. Oh, and back tot he premise of this thread, here's one for starters. Presidential bold faced lying... "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
  14. Which is Trump's goal - to fundamentally change the Republican Party. So far he's succeeding.
  15. That's pretty God awful "progressive " shite right there. :sick:
  16. From what I've read about them and have seen in the past, most of the hires seem pretty good. So I guess that's cause for a little optimism on my part.
  17. Don't blame Trump for the tape. Putin made him do it.
  18. I'm going to post this over and over again.
  19. Yes. Some players are simply addicted to it. Surgery after surgery. They just can't get enough.
  20. Exactly. Contract With America. It made Clinton irrelevant - at least for a time. He never forgave them.
  21. So kitty Manning gave Wikileaks 300,000 US government secret documents which lead to the murder of some of our contacts, and B. O. commutes his sentence because... vagina monologue. But 30,000 Jon Podesta emails get in the hands of Wikileaks because someone (Russian "hackers", or a DNC internal operative) gave them to them and it's a high crime punishable by febrile fits of peak and tantrums of civil disobedience.
  22. It's a priceless clip that encapsulates the Clinton marriage relationship. He clearly mouths the word "Ivanka". You think he's looking like that at a fire hydrant? You obviously haven't seen her nude photos.
  23. Hill: Well, do you wanna? Michelle: I'm still thinking on it.
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