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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Face it. The fans have cursed The Bills. After going 0-4 there were many, many people who said things along the lines of, "I don't ever want them to get into the playoffs again until they go all the way and win the Super Bowl."
  2. Seasons 1 & 2 were the best. IMO. Any love for "NCIS: Billings, Montana"?
  3. "The United States has the largest network of energy pipelines in the world, with more than 2.4 million miles of pipe. The network of crude oil pipelines in the U.S. is extensive. There are approximately 72,000 miles of crude oil lines in the U.S. that connect regional markets." That's nearly a three circuit span of the earth's equator in distance.
  4. I think it could have been two things. 1. It had started sprinkling. Umbrellas were brought down to the super VIP area. They might have given him an umbrella curtain if the rain increased in intensity. It didn't. It stopped raining shortly after they arrived in position behind him. Hey LIBS - President Trump made it stop raining! 2. There might have been a credible threat about a shooter somewhere nearby, and they were there to escort him away, but the Secret Service checked out the threat and it was found to be negative. Anybody know where EII and Blzrul were?
  5. I confess. I read that and thought it was a typo. Then I saw who you were responding to.
  6. I think he's probably busy making money. Hopefully from dumazzes that still don't know why Hillary lost the election.
  7. Okay Ben. What's your take on their racist hate-filled dialogue? You happy with that? Gonna overlook it? Or maybe say the Republicans talk just as bad at the highest levels of the party?
  8. The Dems are on a precipice and if they take another step they'll fall into oblivion. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of racists.
  9. Go to OTW and search in the What Show To Start? thread. I'll bet it's in there.
  10. "If you like your abortion, you can keep your abortion." Just keep it to yourself.
  11. "Why aren't I 50 points ahead at this point, you might ask?!"
  12. It's The Art of The Deal 101. You enter a room by kicking the door down, stake out your claim, kick azz, and take names. Then leave at the pinnacle moment of confusion. I'm a lot less upset about what Spicer did than what the weak weasel Phouxahontas did to Besty DeVos. Beat me too it. :snapsfingers:
  13. Please. I don't want to read anymore threads in support of everyone's right to have as much rooster in their mouths and azzes as they see fit and Constitutionally empowered to do so. Peace out.
  14. We live on a beautiful planet. We should all do what we can to keep it that way.
  15. What they're really looking for are National Enquirer headlines along the lines of the old classic: "I cut out her heart and stomped on it!"
  16. No worries. Trump will announce he's annexing Britain.
  17. Well, it sent another thrill up the leg of Chris Mathews! You know the reason. It lives in every Bills fan's heart. No one wants to see them get in the playoffs again until they go all the way and win a Super Bowl. That's the real curse. It's been self-inflicted. That's just my opinion and you're entitled to it.
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