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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Collinsworth owns PFF, that why he promotes it so much. The network should charge him for his advertising it.
  2. Sure.. Let me saaayah, the onliest thing about the thing that... it isn’t just wrong, it’s because the other things that were instead of, of, of, of... Let me say it another way, more simply. I’m a simple man. Who pinned this note on my sweater? You. You! You dog faced pony soldier _ what does it say? WHAT DOES IT SAY??? Oh yeah? I’m not doing push-ups with you. I’m not that dumb. I went to Senator school, on a scholarship for eight years.
  3. I can see it now. At the first WH Press conference. Jim Acosta: “Mr President Biden, congratulations on your victory over the pariah Trump. It’s an honor to be called upon to ask you the first question in your presidency. Can you tell us what your plan is to defeat the COVID-19 virus is?” President Biden: “Thank you James. It’s an honor for me to have you ask the question. Let me say first we’ve got to get ahold of the community communications that were first and foremost from the people in charge to see what shenanigans were done in the incredibly wrong wrong way of doing things beyond the protocols and protective barriers and processes that the Schindler committee advised against. Let me also say that I am a strong believer in FISA abuse. Our nation has a long history of abuse, from the Pilgrims to Custer and Seward’s folly. When Henry Ford pardoned Nixon it was the darkest of days in Delaware - home state of my curly haired legs. I want to take this time to announce that my son Hunter, my beautiful honest intellectual son Hunter was appointed to run the Clinton Foundation and was just unanimously elected as the head of the world bank, as well as a director of Disney, AMC, Huawei, and the WHO. In conclusion, let me say, Gosh bless AOC and the Green new thing.”
  4. You’re welcome. As a point of fact, a very close family relative ran clinical Phase 2, 3, and 4 trials. My relative ran dozens of these global studies. They are non trivial exercises and that time and tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars to run. If you’re following morbidity/mortality, it could take more than 5 years - until the event rate of efficacy for the morbidity event, e.g., stroke, heart attack, seizures, or death is documented. The resulting data has to be reviewed by an independent committee to determine if the event met the criteria established by the trial. It’s only following that process that the data has to be cleaned and normalized and a clinical study report gets written and an application can be filed with the FDA. This has to be done for each indication. That’s the process in the US. In Europe the governing body is the EMEA. Japan has their own regulatory agency. They both have their own processes and requirements. Oh, and Cancer trials can go on indefinitely. But doing Clinical Trials to get drug approvals is a snap. Got it.
  5. Sure. According to these reports it's worse than dying. It must be tested under clinical trials that last for at least 3 - 4 years before Dr.s should be allowed to use it. Hey, if it can save one person in 5 - 6 years from now, it'll probably be worth burying 20 - 30 million people before we get to that date. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/why-trump-wrong-about-hydroxychloroquine-it-wont-help-treat-coronavirus-140862 https://www.factcheck.org/2020/03/trump-hypes-potential-covid-19-drugs-but-evidence-so-far-is-slim/ https://www.indiatoday.in/india-today-insight/story/covid-19-the-bitter-truth-about-using-hydroxychloroquine-as-a-preventive-drug-1659116-2020-03-24 https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2020/03/24/trump-backs-covid-19-hydroxychloroquine-and-azithromycin-therapy-weak-science/2904846001/ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ama-president-trump-hydroxychloroquine_n_5e8a9914c5b6e7d76c663197
  6. What about Cory Booker? Read my lips. No more white male Vice Presidents.
  7. Hart island cemetery in the Bronx.
  8. Here's an excerpt from the book, "American Story" which is a series of interviews by David Rubenstein that he conducted at the Library of Congress by biographers of historical American figures. He interviewed Robert A. Caro on Lyndon Johnson. "DR: He finally decides to run for the Senate in 1948. Why is he called Landslide Lyndon after the '48 election? RC: Six days after the election, he's still behind the governor of Texas, Coke Stevenson. And suddenly another ballot box is found, a ballot box for Precinct 13. They open it and, if I remember this correctly, two hundred ballots were cast for Johnson. They were all cast by someone using the same handwriting nd the same pen, and these people actually voted in alphabetical order. DR: Technically, he won by how many votes? RC: Eighty-seven votes." Excerpted from "The American Story, Conversations with Master Historians" by David M. Rubenstein, published by Simon & Schuster Copyright 2019.
  9. He should have just said, “If you like your hydroxychloroquine, you can keep your hydroxychloroquine. Period.” How could anyone argue against that?
  10. That’s a dog whistle that only dishonest washed up Democrat reporters know and understand so well. In private they call them by the N word that they relish using.
  11. Not only that, but she's the first American since January to not have passed away from the Wuhan virus. RIP Linda.
  12. Wrong again Gary. You deserve all the mocking we can dish out. I have great respect for people who die, and it doesn't matter what the cause(s) are. They're a lot more than just a number or statistic that you and others use to browbeat others with. You are a Trump Deranged Hate-monger constantly looking for a dark cloud day in and day out. Yep.
  13. You’re a cheerleader for death and doom. You’re beyond reprehensible.
  14. So none of that natural phenomena is still occurring? Asking for a friend.
  15. And you’re a first class a ####### e. Nobody dies from anything other than this China virus. WAKE UP SHEEPOLE!!!
  16. Bernie is an attention w ***** e. He ran to enrich himself with campaign contributions from weak minded naive joiners. His media buys were controlled by the company his wife started and they get at least 10% on the top of every media buy they placed for him. His campaign made him more millions than his book deals did. He’s a phony.
  17. This Corona virus is really something. It’s cured cancer, heart disease, COPD, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a host of other diseases like drug overdose, stroke, and even the normal influenzas. Is there nothing it can’t cure? It’s like global climate warming change which is proven to be caused by everything, but this insidious Chinese invention CURES everything. Well perhaps TDS but that’s the worst disease of all. Quite amazing actually for a disease that can’t be transmitted by human to human contact.
  18. How DARE you compare this Chinese virus to the Flu!
  19. Sorry boss. I took a ServeSafe course and that was one of the top issues in serving food to the public. I’m certified. No worries there. My issue is two failed microdiscectomies and the need for inserting a fake disc and fusion. I’m not a happy camper.
  20. NBC “News” POUNCES WITHOUT EVIDENCE On a story from unnamed sources in China that there Are no new cases reported there. That’s because If anyone reports a new case, they’re killed.
  21. Nope. They’ve stopped elective surgeries completely. I have first hand knowledge of that.
  22. Anybody know COBOL? COBOL programmers are in demand to help process unemployment checks.
  23. Warm buffets can be a real danger zone. Rice in particular. It can have bacillus Cereus. https://www.livescience.com/65374-bacillus-cereus-fried-rice-syndrome.html Many people thought they were sick from MSG. Not so. Improperly stored and heated rice was likely the culprit.
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