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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. I think the rule of law would win in that scenario. According to the Bank of Mexico $24.77 Billion in remittances were sent to Mexico in 2015. 10% = about $2.5 billion. That's not chump change. Hey, if they have a Green Card, we'll only charge them 5%.
  2. Even taxed at 10% it would pay for the wall and additional security. Demi-Citizens should be made to pay their fair share. I'll wager that a high percentage of their money is made under the table. I don't generally have a problem with that, but Mexico and Central America have exported its citizens to the US to get money to send back to their country. Okay, so let's get our cut.
  3. Well, to be fair, that's the approach that Holder and Lynch took. I'll follow the law if I like the law. Otherwise, go pound salt.
  4. The Feds should attach some of the monies that the undocumented Demi-citizens send back to their native country. Western Union: Send Money to Mexico OFX: Send Money to Mexico Walmart: Send Money to Mexico Remitly: Send Money to Mexico XOOM - a PayPal Service: Send Money to Mexico Share Money: Send Money to Mexico
  5. Like every Mom & Pop store and small, medium, and large businesses haven't been turned into the tax collection agency of the states. "This executive order tries to turn cities and states into U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That's against the law," Herrera said. "Cities cannot be coerced into becoming the deportation arm of the federal government."
  6. But do they really? I think they're ok with the power of POTUS's EOs, but it's just that he's using them against their sacrosanct issues... issues which the right has been steaming over for a long, long, time.
  7. I think Ted will get called - but to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg. They kinda look alike, or at least spawned from the same vampire cadaver. Oh sweet Jeepers. We're cursed.
  8. The troika made up of Susan Rice, Samantha Power, and Hillary Clinton was perhaps the most disastrous foreign policy crew in American history. She’s got no room to talk. And thanks to that braintrust we found out that four Americans died in Benghazi because of a disgusting Internet video which we had NOTHING to do with! Like in the Electoral College... right? You trying to make Tom apoplectic? He might have to rewrite the DCT Autobot code to handle stuff like that. You're right. It would probably be 99 to 0 only because he wouldn't vote for himself. In case you haven't noticed, that august body would like to see him removed from it faster than a squeezed pimple on a teenager on prom night.
  9. Like which high fashion designers made the most breathtaking vagina costumes for the Ladies March for Respect and Dignity.
  10. My thoughts exactly. Rosie O'Donnell in the role of Mongo. Jane Fonda as the Governor, and Dagan McDowell as Hedley Lamaar with Madonna as the femme fatale and a real bunch of Kansas City faggots as the redneck cowboy railroad workers.
  11. The media nearly cheered when US combat deaths reached 1,000 in the Iraq war as though that number was the tipping point for American opinion against the war. Because from that point on they pilloried the military efforts. However, they were mum when the same total was reached during B.O.'s first term.
  12. That might engender an even more fierce backlash by them.
  13. Can't wait for the media's reaction when Trump starts naming a couple dozen "Csars" to force feed his agenda. Hey Progs, turnabout is fair play!
  14. True. But if Trump could bring Antonin Scalia backk to life the left would have the same reaction. They're going to be pizzed no matter who he appoints.
  15. Bet gator gets a hearty laugh over it.
  16. And yet you had no problem with B. O. strong arm tactics at all. I recall several times when you posted here cheering him on and rooting for him to shove it to the republicans. Beat them like a rented mule, Barry! You've got the power, use it. We'll, now the shoe is on the other foot, so suck it. Most here did the same except for the leftist sycophants, and most who did gave that as a chief reservaation regarding B. O.'s successor. The encroachment of executive power is a clear danger. However it's early use to undo some of the egregious over reaches by Barry is not unwarranted and indeed is necessary IMO. That said, I delighted in the rumination during the campaign of a vision of Attorney General Chris Christie sicking a special prosecutor on Hillary, the Clinton Foundation, Lois Lerner, and others who IMO need to be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law. WRT the wall and its payment, how much money gets wire transferred to Mexico from its No Card Citizens who are working here? I'd bet much of it is paid to them under the table without any taxes being paid on it. Why not attach a Federal fee to the export of those monies? Hey, it's a cost of them doing their business here in the states. And if they get caught circumventing this law - they get deported.
  17. Earth to Dork: Congressional districts are generally apportioned according to total population - not physical size. One man, one vote.
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