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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Well, the Progs/Lefties/Dems do have a lot in common with them now don't they. Because nothing says "tolerance" like a Prog/Lefty/Dem rioting on campus because they just don't want to hear what a gay Conservative man has to say.
  2. Obama was a disaster as President, an abject disaster.
  3. Well, the Dems appear to be committing suicide these days.
  4. Neil Gorsuch will be smeared. He's a clone of Antonin Scalia, and should win approval once the Dems wake up from holding their breath, turning blue, and passing out.
  5. We measure it with the Sphincter scale here. And this one goes to eleven.
  6. True. There's a lot of whack-a-mole that goes on here. It's not all for real. It takes a bit to find one's niche in this rolling sea of flotsam and jetsam that is PPP.
  7. Looks like he's got a new career in mind. No thanks.
  8. I had a total knee replacement in July 2015. I questioned the PA about one of the charges for his services that the HC Insurer rejected. I didn't want him to not get paid. And we then had a conversation about the "billed" costs, vs. the HC Insurer's "negotiated" discounts, and the balance that would is left to the patient. It seems that Drs routinely charge a fee that is bust-out-MSRP for each procedure. They know the HC Insurers will trim it down - and that's okay with them. The reason they automatically charge the bust-out MSRP prices is because that's the amount that Accident insurances pay, and the amount that Worker's Compensation pay. Those cases are gravy for them. And, because the HC Insurers can show their clients that they "negotiated" much lower rates, their client - the patient is generally happy because they're left paying a nickel on the dollar of those bust-out MSRP charges.
  9. Well, they managed to make it too obnoxious to appeal to the mainstream, and too vapid to appeal to the hard-left. Nice work! UPDATE: From the comments: “When you’ve lost Ted Rall, you’ve lost anti-America.”.. Plus: “Video of the march is probably a much greater recruitment tool for ISIS than any travel ban.” True. I can hear some of their commentary now... "Look - LOOK! Look at these stupid women behaving like sluts. THIS is why we will conquer the West. They are degenerate whores! Look at them dressed up as uncircumcised naked genitalia. And there are tens of thousands of lesbians and gays among them. They're degenerates! Do you want OUR women behaving like that? No. It is a sin agains Allah. Muslims need to crush these infidels and do it quickly." "It was all because of a disgusting Internet video, which we had nothing to do with."
  10. Have to bring a baseball bat to the airport next time.
  11. Those people should all be arrested.
  12. He thinks the Yankees won the 1960 World Series because they scored more runs and had more hits than the Pirates did... by a country mile! And the Yankees had more wins in the regular season too!
  13. But, but, but... she's never even seen the inside of a school!
  14. Right. That's along the lines of a School District Administrator in my area who, when the people vote down the school budget said, "Perhaps we shouldn't allow the people to vote on our budget." :blink:
  15. Put a fly on Victor Cruz? Maybe that's how he learned the salsa.
  16. Yep. Get the fees directly from the transmitting agent. EFT directly to the US Treasury. And, if they use mules to carry greenbacks over the border, then all the $ is confiscated and the mules get deported after a month in the slammer with Tuco.
  17. Would love to witness Voir Dire in her courtroom. "Tell me Mr. LABillsFan, what bumper stickers are on your car?" I know you probably don't have any - like most sane people don't. But the right answer to that could be a hot ticket off the jury!
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