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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. She's Rebecca Goyette and she's been doing this kind of schtick for quite awhile. She's truly unbalanced as is her troupe of useful idiots she performs with. They're poster children for the Democrat party of the 21st Century. http://archive.is/7cqFd Here she lets her freaky out in Zappaesque fantasies: http://www.rebogallery.com
  2. I would take Brett Favre over Bart Star.
  3. That gets a Godwin award which is one of these:
  4. Let's start with Jr. High. Sr. High might be a stretch.
  5. Well, if it's any consolation, I hear Dan Rather is still standing flat footed in puzzlement on the steps of the Supreme Court pouring over their decision that gave George Bush the election in 2000.
  6. As well did Baron Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim - out of necessity of course. But at least thanks to him we know what Hitler's conversational voice sounded like.
  7. Yes. That does seem to be the recurring and common theme in all of these attacks. Still not quite certain that's all there is to it though. Maybe irritable bowel syndrome? We need more research on the issue before we can come to any consensus.
  8. We've been at war since 2001 including all eight years of the Obama regime. So now suddenly we're worried about being at war again? Yet? Still? It ain't like nothing happened during the last eight years folks.
  9. Why were the French soldiers screaming "Allahu Akbar"? Oh. Oh, never mind.
  10. Heres a video of it:
  11. Frankly, I could care less if they're not "in love" with each other. You think John and Jackie Kennedy were? Joe had to give her a million bucks to stay with him after she found some tramp's panties in their bed and she threatened to leave him. Oh, and of course Bill Clinton is TOTALLY devoted to his wife. Totally. No doubt about it. Totally!
  12. Why, I'm doing that very thing right now myself.
  13. I did not know that. Ernst got jungle fever?
  14. Father Daniel J. Berrigan says hello Pasta. He'd like you to give Hill a pinch on the cheek for him.
  15. One can only hope.
  16. Oh my yes! These women are demanding respect!
  17. I was in Australia a couple of years ago when their former Prime Minister Paul Keating openly questions the Australia-US alliance. In effect he said that Australia always had America's back, but he wasn't at all certain that America would ever again have Australia's back.
  18. Aussies to send 1,200 + Muslim refugees they refuse to let in to their country to the US because of a backdoor deal B. O. made. I say, okay... send them to Guantanamo. There's room there now since the past POS let most of the vermin out of that internment camp.
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