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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. You do know why it was originally instituted - right? Tillman Vs. McLaurin - fisticuffs on the Senate floor. No Senator can read a haranguing litany of abusive names at another Senator ON THE SENATE FLOOR
  2. About the only thing you and your ilk are in favor of choice for is the killing of innocent unborn fetuses. You've really fallen off the deep end Eric. The deep end.
  3. Sorta like anticipatory premature expostulation syndrome? And bingo. There it is. Not from Trump, but from another group with reality association issues.
  4. Rules, schmules. She's ELIZABETH!@#$INGWARREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She don't need no steenking rules. She can attack any senator's character she wants to. !@#$ da rules!
  5. Boy! I'll say. Pandering to the Teachers Unions is big business for those who are running for office... especially the Liberals.
  6. Next time Tiger Lilly wants Number One Son to go to Round Eye school she should be shown door instead. NO schoolie for YOU! It only for Merican round eyes!
  7. Well, they clearly are for now. At least to the question: "What is reality?"
  8. Yeah, but it's the government that did it. They probably had good intentions. That's what's important. That, and the mother was probably reading the kids a bible and teaching American History.
  9. Democrats are racist by their very nature. They judge everything by race. They're emotionally crippled about race.
  10. C-Span. Everything you see and hear on C-Span is the God's honest gospel truth. You can take that to the bank. I understand. Putin is advancing on Korea now.
  11. Seriously. It's just TDS that the loonies are completely infected with.
  12. Very sorry to hear this sad news NG. I have a nice that has the affliction. I know only a little of what you, your family, and your son went through. My condolences and prayers to you all, may you all find peace in your hearts.
  13. I heard George Washington was once in New York. Donald Trump is from New York. So, everything Trump does is something George Washington already laid the groundwork for.
  14. It must be a bastion of Progressive ethos. I'm certain it's a marvel to see.
  15. I thought B. O.'s last bailout was him agreeing to bail out Australia of 2,000+ worthless Muslim refugees that they refused to let enter their country. I say, send them to Guantanamo. B. O. let out a slew of other criminal Muslims from there, so there should be plenty of room. Eight or ten to a cell. It'll be palatial compared to living in the squalor they came from.
  16. Abraham Lincoln, Jack Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and George Wallace, all say, "Hello!" to the swarming mobs of insane leftists fomenting hate and violence in the streets of America in 2017.
  17. That's beneath them. Some other trashy folks will clean up the mess. And who needs a crappy soapbox racer when your daddy drives you home in a new Audi?
  18. Probably closer to 50% if you count women of all genders.
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