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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Kellyanne Conway makes a beer commercial in the White House!
  2. No silly. Affordable beach wear. You can't expect the poor to show up at the beach looking like this: They'd be laughed off the beach. Oh, the humanity!
  3. So for Eric the Weird and others of his ilk, let's stipulate that Barron is Autistic. In that case, wouldn't it be a somewhat reasonable thing to try to find out what caused it and why there is such an epidemic of Autism - especially in boys in the US? RFK Jr. hasn't been given any authority other than to chair a commission to examine the issues. Sure he's a loon, as is Jenny McCarthy, but AFAIK that commission has zero power.
  4. His self of steam is losing pressure.
  5. Oil is still bought and sold with the US dollar.
  6. Why, I see what you mean. She reminds me of Jackie Kennedy and Audrey Hepburn.
  7. It's heartbreaking that we as Americans can't enjoy the sunny beaches of the French Riviera. Except for the wealthy few it remains an unattainable dream. The government should step in and provide the means for the majority of Americans to enjoy this natural beauty at affordable (i.e., free) rates.
  8. Rest comfortably tonight Pasta Joe knowing that Isis is sending people to our country that want to cut your throat and burn your family alive.
  9. Things could be worse. He could read remarks from a prepared statement.
  10. Join the club. I know. We all do it from time to time. Things are a wee mite testy here these days.
  11. Which is to say we're in a correction phase right now. The markets are going gently sideways/slightly up after the post-election euphoria. Maybe it's best the correction happen quietly right now. I still think the ACA is the bottleneck. They !@#$ up fixing that and they won't be able to build a pro-growth budget. My 2¢.
  12. She certainly was far more gracious than the harsh, shrill, Harpy-like haranguing diatribe put forth by Phauxahontas-self-appointed-princess-of-the-left-and shewolf-with-the-high-cheekbones. Coretta Scott King was an elegant lady. Liz Warren is a deranged, foolish person.
  13. The NFL, its players and fans don't give a **** about Manti Teo being gay because he can play in The League. Michael Sam is using his gaiety as a crutch. At the NFL level, frankly, he sucked.
  14. I was hoping for a good old fashioned spearing contest challenge. Instead we got a lame guitar-off.
  15. The contents were not kept private for very long. Hume sold it in 1951 for $3,500. Truman got a lot of flack for it. It really is filled with vitriol. It was a different time Ben. You don't think if Twitter were around then that FDR and Truman would have used it? It bottles the mind to think otherwise. ;-)
  16. I get it. Bloomberg is not a fan of Trump. His biases flow freely through his magazine and throughout his considerable empire. So the corporate suite suits are itchy for tax cuts. Maybe they can apply some pressure to the Chucky Schumers of the world to stop delaying the installation of the President's cabinet officers. First thing up to get the budget's foundation and vectors set is to figure out what Obamacare's replacement will look like. The budget starts there, and they can't begin to do anything of substance WRT that until Price is confirmed. This administration like any other does not exist in a vacuum.
  17. Nope. You probably think you're doing God's work, but you're coming across like a real ****.
  18. "Give 'em Hell Harry" wasn't pussyfooting around, even in 1950. Can you imagine what social media would have to say about his rant if it were a thing back then?
  19. Growacet (testicular fortitude) capsules. New Inaugural formula. Spay/Neuter your liberal.
  20. New Presidential Outrage Expressed in Personal Attack on Washington Reporter! Oh, the humanity! THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Mr. Hume: I've just read your lousy review of (my daughter's) concert. I've come to the conclusion that you are an "eight ulcer man on four ulcer pay." It seems to me that you are a frustrated old man who wishes he could have been successful. When you write such poppy-rooster as was in the back section of the paper you work for it shows conclusively that you're off the beam and at least four of your ulcers are at work. Some day I hope to meet you. When that happens you'll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below! Pegler, a gutter snipe, is a gentleman alongside you. I hope you'll accept that statement as a worse insult than a reflection on your ancestry. POTUS
  21. No. They only like choice when it involves chopping up live fetuses.
  22. Yeah. There's enough **** flying around here with the azzholes who don't know how to get along and have civil discourses without people that know better start slinging **** too.
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