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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Trump's first assassination! Impeach him now! [/hystericalleftists]
  2. I say it again. Right-wing ultra conservative Alan Dershowitz said, "If Flynn is in trouble, then Jimmy Carter and Jessie Jackson should be sharing a jail cell." They were civilians and frequently working at counter purposes to administrations.
  3. I'm all for this kind of "social justice". Enjoy:
  4. Run away! Run away! The psychic surgeons are upon us! Run away! Run away!
  5. I remember a SNL skit about the revelation that Sarah Palin's daughter was pregnant and not married. The "NY Times reporter" asked, "is Palin's husband the father? After all they're from Alaska." Smug azzed liberals. They have no shame. Look at their leadership - Schumer, Warren, Franken, Pelosi, Waters, Hoyer. Despicable.
  6. Religious beliefs - you mean like global warming cooling climate change? I hear one of that religion's sacraments is abortion.
  7. One race issue I've never fully understood is why do all NASCAR races go in left circles? Have they ever gone around the tracks going right?
  8. It's only the Post, but that's a wee mite more legit than Breitbart these days. The story is out there.
  9. Well then, there are 13 months in a year. So he just made a simple error. Seems like this was a conversation a year or so ago. Deja vu all over again.
  10. Can you imagine how they'll behave when theTrumps stay in Washington after his administration is over and starts running a shadow government that funds anti-Democrat demonstrations with their extra campaign cash they haul in from their SuperPacs? B.O. is playing with fire.
  11. 52 weeks x 40 hrs per week x $15.00 and hour = A buck three fifty.
  12. Thank you Donald Trump. You're not really my kind of guy, but I give you props that you beat The Bushes, The Clintons, and The Obamas in succession.
  13. FIFY Yes, the Dems/Libs/Progs have been acting like brown shirts beating up innocent Americans who don't share their deranged, extreme views of the world.
  14. Hey that's $14.25 an hour. Some other interesting statistics: We got 4.2" of snow on Monday. Winds were gusting over 50 mph yesterday.
  15. Congress and the White House can't get an FBI investigation into the leaks of private conversations of The POTUS and his staff soon enough. Flynn was a civilian at the time of his call to the Rookie ambassador. His name could not have been legally outed without someone from the White House giving approval. I believe the conversation occurred when the B. O. regime was still in power. So it would have come from someone or some thing in that polluted space. It seems clear that there is a counter movement that is entrenched in the IC that is bent on doing mischief or worse to the new administration. IMHO that borders on treason if not sedition. The leaks are intended to throw oil on the dance floor. They're the IC's version of the vagina marchers and should be identified and dealt with if they've broken the law, and from what I can tell, they have.
  16. I'm really looking forward to Schumer and Warren and Franken - the new Three Stooges having their aides and staff interns getting ahold of (by any means necessary) Gorsuch's phone records, his Internet history of sites visited, his Netflix account records, and sworn testimony of his garage collectors and mailmen. Then of course, they'll find some bimbo who used to clerk for him and have her swear that he made inappropriate sexist, racist, homophobic remarks to her all the while resisting his unwanted sexual advances. As fair compensation for her sworn testimony and to assuage the lingering trauma of her hellish ordeal, she'll end up as Professor Emeritus at some liberal law school - though that's a redundant description. Seen it happen before.
  17. Saw famous flaming Right-Wing nut Alan Dershowitz on the news yesterday saying that "if Flynn were in legal trouble, then Jimmy Carter and Jessie Jackson should be sharing a jail cell." Happy Valentines Day.
  18. Yes, a "terrifying arsenal of weapons" if ever I saw one. The percussion cap derringer is probably 150 years old. If anyone fired it, the barrel would likely burst if they put in more than 25 grains of black powder. Probably would still spit the ball out subsonic. Oooh! Scerry!
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