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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. And people say Trump's crazy. These wack jobs look like they'd get lost in the woods, have sex with the animals, and die of starvation.
  2. We all know it's because of a disgusting Internet video which we had nothing to do with!"
  3. your wrong meatball most white people over 50 loved milk back then and probably still do white people give milk to their kids to drink and put on their cereal to
  4. Manchin should switch parties. He'd be rewarded by doing so. His state is turning redder by the day. He seems to be a decent man.
  5. Who's in the pole position and what kind of tires is he running'?
  6. I'll take "Why Hillary lost the election for $1,000", Alex. http://youtu.be/vS_l_7gj2oA
  7. No. He's not mentally ill. He's just unpleasant. So says a real psychiatrist.
  8. "Do we still have to pay taxes if we don't like the President?"
  9. "If" he tells the truth? Alt fact right there Ben. He's a tour de force blowhard, full of himself as much as B. O. was of himself. And he hasn't given Iran $1.4 BILLION IN CASH. Oh, and he defeated Hillary for which I am most thankful and will put up with some hyperbole and loose talk about "facts". On a certain level, that seems to be true. I worked with a guy who was a pathological liar. He couldn't tell a story without tripping over "facts" or statements that he had already told. He was hilarious except he was our shop steward and a wack-job. Trump is different than that, but he does love the sound of his own voice. I like that he got a coal mining EO and at the bipartisan presentation there were union workers present. They were regular Joes along with Congresscritters, Senators, and other dignitaries. At the end of the on air announcement he said something to the effect that, "You know what, I don't know what's next on my schedule, but let's take them (union workers) in to the Oval Office and I'll show them around." You could tell the men were just beaming at bringing invited in to the seat of power. Ace move by President Creamsicle.
  10. Congrats Tiber on going for a college visit. Is this your first visit to a campus? What other schools are you thinking of checking out? Are you there by yourself or with your parents?
  11. At this point, what difference does it make? The media lies all the time. You believe them? You be stoopid if youse does.
  12. Speaking of dust settling. Just watched The Crown's episode about the Big Smoke/Great Fog of '52. According to them, a DS operative tried to subvert and topple Churchill's government by burying the warning about the pending air inversion. The subsequent deaths (I've seen from 4k to 12k estimates) would cause such a scandal that The Queen E2 would call for his resignation. There's nothing new under the sun.
  13. Wow! He's only been in office for a couple of weeks and already he's annexed Manchuria! No wonder the Russians are buzzing our navy with jets and trolling our eastern Atlantic shore with a spy ship. It all makes sense now! That's hysterical!
  14. Russian hacking, silly. Here's a Russian hacking training video I found. Proof positive how and why Hillary now lives with the squirrels in Chappaqua. Nobody hacks like Max. Hillary never stood a chance. http://youtu.be/wLZYnj0yuGs
  15. Mr. Obama, what's your favorite color? And a follow up to that, sir. Is that your wife's favorite too, or does she have a different favorite? And one more if I can, kind sir, how was your last dental checkup?
  16. I think that's what the offspring of so called Pasta Joe and gatordude would look like.
  17. Easier said than done WRT Trump. An enormously important issue facing the country is the Deep State i.e., the permanent government employees in the agencies that run and in fact ARE the bureaucracy. They fear losing power and influence because Trump does in fact want to "clean house". He does that and a few thousand of these special people will be out on their collective azzes and looking for word in a cold hard world that is far from the insulated dome that is the District inside the Beltway. They're fighting him tooth and nail and want him to fail. It's pathetic and frightening at the same time.
  18. All those extremists and not a single suicide bomber amongst them. Such a pity. Wifey and I refused to go on a European vacation this year because of this shi t. Two years ago we took a cab ride from Lyon to Paul Bocuse's restaurant - about a 40 mile trip each way. About halfway on the outbound trip the young North African cabbie started asking about Guantanamo torture and showed us pics on his phone... from Abu Grab. I told him it was not happening at Guantanamo, but he wouldn't believe me. It was not a comfortable ride. Return trip was fine. But ISIS is light years ahead of the US is pushing a narrative on the Intarwebs. Europe is self infected now with a new Black Plague. It's a disease spread by rats of a different sort. It's only a matter of time before the bodies begin to stack up in the streets. It's theatre of the absurd.
  19. Sure. Quadroons and High Yellow absolutely hate the blue-lipped dark blacks.
  20. NY Times Hot Story! "Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials. American law enforcement and intelligence agencies intercepted the communications around the same time they were discovering evidence that Russia was trying to disrupt the presidential election by hacking into the Democratic National Committee, three of the officials said. The intelligence agencies then sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election. The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation." But the investigation and criminal leaks must continue as the agenda of the DS must be pursued! Trump is dangerous to their part of the swamp.
  21. His personal highlight of the season is when he stopped Kap from scoring in the 4th quarter of their game.
  22. You know who else was in favor of Universal Basic Income?
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