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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. You dopes realize that isn't Spicer's twitter account. Some other beauts: Okay Democrats. We'll take Manchin, you can have Kasich. Deal? Cameras following refugees like they're the Kardashians. So apparently you can blame Abraham Lincoln for your illegal private server, but you can't quote his opinion of the press.
  2. No. Because they're knuckle-dragging chauvinist misogynist goons who have most of their brains in the head of their dicks. Watch the second video in the hard link I supplied above. It talks about a 7 hour gang rape of a 29 year old mother of 2 who was essentially abducted and taken to a place where 12 or more of these fu ck heads gang raped her. I wish they were located two blocks from where the Obamas now live. alternative facts. Sweden is in denial. The WaPo is too. The violence and rapes are real. Europe is becoming a cesspool.
  3. Back on topic - how much air do they put in their tires? Do they put more psi in their right tires than the left ones?
  4. Well did Trump kill Vitaly Churkin? Was it done as a favor to Putin? Where was Trump, what did he know and when did he know it? PastaJoe wants ta no.
  5. It's been awhile. This is just too good to forget about!
  6. No, not even a problem. It's just a situation. You know - boys will be boys, and the women were probably asking for it anyway... the way they dress and all. RAPES IN SWEDEN
  7. Ah Sweden... bastion of enlightened sophisticated tolerance! Note to your parliament... these aren't AWOL African American soldiers fleeing to your country to avoid the Vietnam War. http://youtu.be/sEeXd9b01uY
  8. Simple. They're going to get a bailout - aren't they?
  9. I'd like to see Rudy Guiliani and John Bolton in a steel cage death match with Bill Kristol and John McCain.
  10. True. But you'll probably need to get James Taylor to move there and become Secretary of State. He's got the magic touch in international affairs, or so I've heard.
  11. One of the best things Rudy did was walk away from the combover. IMHO.
  12. Leave if you must, but the nukes, Navy ships, Air Force planes, the soldiers, sailors, and airmen all belong to us. On the other hand, all those evacuated armed forces bases will make swell neighborhoods for the hundreds of thousands of new Mexicans and Guatemalan Demi-citizens.
  13. What kind of fuel do they run on? Do they have to use methanol at all?
  14. "Four weeks into his presidency, Trump returns to campaign mode" Of course, B.O. never left his "campaign mode" for a full eight years. Alternate facts indeed.
  15. And what's your position on California's current secessionist movement, pray tell? Would you support President Trump moving Federal troops in to that state to quell the "rebellion"? The world awaits your reply.
  16. That's what the polite white folk serve in the dinners down South. That what the polite transgender/gay/lesbians/morphodites serve in the dinners in San Francisco.
  17. Pretty much right. The Republicans need to sack up and take ownership of the Country's government.
  18. Why Was the FBI Investigating General Flynn? "No fewer than seven veteran Times reporters contributed to the story, the Gray Lady having dedicated more resources to undermining the Trump administration than the Republican Congress has to advancing Trump’s agenda. Remarkably, none of the able journalists appears to have asked a screamingly obvious question — a question that would have been driving press coverage had an Obama administration operative been in the Bureau’s hot seat. On what basis was the FBI investigating General Flynn? To predicate an investigation under FBI guidelines, there must be good-faith suspicion that (a) a federal crime has been or is being committed, (b) there is a threat to American national security, or © there is an opportunity to collect foreign intelligence relevant to a priority established by the executive branch. These categories frequently overlap — e.g., a terrorist will typically commit several crimes in a plot that threatens national security, and when captured he will be a source of foreign intelligence." More at the link...
  19. You are. Just say three Hail Hillaries, and do six Our Obamas and you'll be absolved... once your check for $10,000.00 (American) clears the Clinton's bank account.
  20. Boyst said it, not me. But if he is gay - not that there's anything wrong with that - its probably the only thing he's got going for him in his quest to become the new DNC chair. The left wing wack job progs would NEVER give a powerful office to a straight white middle age man. He'd have as much chance as Mayor Daley would of being raised from the dead. At least he gets it, but the point is the left wing wack job progs who run the Democrat party now don't get it and they don't want to hear it. They need a stead diet of Russian "hacking", Putin, Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, Nordstroms, Senate committee boycotts, delay, stall, delay, fomenting riots in the streets, resist, resist, resist in order to cope with the fact that their witch didn't win. They're a pathetic bunch of losers. Hillary lost because she had the support of losers like them and not much of anybody else.
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