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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. If your erection lasts more than 4 hours, contact a physician.
  2. There just waiting for the results of the clinical trials before they actually help anybody... probably.
  3. Without clinical trial, how will we EVER know?
  4. https://www.worldatlas.com/how-did-president-obama-handle-the-h1n1-outbreak.html
  5. Why how absolutely racist of them!
  6. But how can we know for sure if they don’t do Clinical Trials on 5G and COVID-19? Asking for a friend.
  7. There are different technologies for implementing 5G though. Maybe some are more harmful to humans than others.
  8. OMG!!! How can they test this if they haven’t had a clinical trial? [/s]
  9. I agree for the most part. But you were asking for a correlation of the outbreaks to an as of yet unknown variable. You should check the map. Wuhan was one of China’s first blanketed 5G cities - if not the first. There are heavy placements in Italy, NUC, NJ, Long Island and other hot spots. Interesting coincidence perhaps. https://www.speedtest.net/ookla-5g-map The anti-vaxers love this conspiracy.
  10. Not sure what you’re getting at, but recently I’ve been exposed to some anti-vaxer conspiracy theories about 5G networks.
  11. I'm looking forward to that very much. For me it will be having a good time.
  12. If he falls to us, I'd love to see Zack Baun in a Bills Uni.
  13. Is there a link between cell phone towers and weakened human immunity systems. Some think so. And, 5G is much more harmful than previous generations. https://emfacademy.com/5g-cell-towers-near-me/ Some suggest that 5G and CoronaVirus ID-19 are linked https://www.iol.co.za/capetimes/news/watch-debate-raging-on-link-between-5g-technology-coronavirus-pandemic-45124913 Anti-Vaxer Dr. weighs in: https://inm-cdn.baobabsuite.com/public/inm/iol/media/video/2020/03/18/45124913/0/CoronavirusCausedBy5G1.m3u8 https://www.speedtest.net/ookla-5g-map See the density of 5G cell towers. Then again, some people want to paint the White House green.
  14. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/chinas-devastating-lies/
  15. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/23/health/china-virus-who-emergency.html https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/chinas-devastating-lies/
  16. Gimme that pen baby. Gotta get me one of those pens!
  17. You ***** choad. You have no concept of how CTs are designed and run. The safety parameters for humans have been established, so they can largely skip the months if not years required to do Phase 1 and 2 trials and then can therefore streamline into Phase 3. I believe you could volunteer for Phase 1 trials though. That where they test the compound’s safety in lower order primates.
  18. Are you always this much of an azz or do you have to work at it? HCQ passed clinical trials back in the 1940s and 50s. Happily so, because it can be fast tracked for new indications and that is taking place - without any MD EVER listening to what your schizophrenic mindset believes.
  19. Well, Clinical Trial for Hydroxychloroquine’s efficacy in COVID-19 is Underway. So, now that they’re doing a CT for this indication, I guess it’s ok. Amirite?
  20. You’re the one advocating doing clinical trials, yet you know NOTHING about what that entails. And you say other people want people to die.
  21. Well, we’re waiting. You have your opinion. Others have the facts. Clinical trials last for years, years... YEARS!!!!
  22. Nothing like the epic blast there in 1883. https://www.livescience.com/28186-krakatoa.html
  23. When she goes, I think she deserves something a little special like these guys from Ghana:
  24. I can only imagine the recession in the business corporate office complexes that will take place. Businesses who occupy those leased spaces will probably end up using a tenth of what they did previously. There's going to be a lot of vacancies in those vast complexes.
  25. Volcanos are a serious threat to global warming. They send up clouds of Sulphur dioxide high into the atmosphere and is an effective shield for the sun's rays.
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