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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Not from me it didn't. I trust B-Man and Azalin's takes.
  2. So will Derek Boyko have a motorized podium like SLN's Sean Spicier? If so, I wouldn't sit up front at his news conferences if I were you John.
  3. We also totally missed anticipating the RNK invasion of South Korea in 1950 But we did oust Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh and installed the Shah in '53 And we ousted Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz from power so United Fruit Company's land wouldn't be nationalized in '54 Who could forget 1960 in the Congo when we toppled Patrice Lumumba so Belgium could keep their business there 1961 was a good year in the Dominican Republic but a bad one for Rafael Trujillo who was assassinated South Viet Nam's president Ngo Dinh Diem says, "Pho you Kennedy and your CIA". After he was executed in 1963 he's been silent on the matter Brazil in '64 President Joao Goulart was leaning too far left so Humberto Castello Branco - army chief ousted him with a coup which LBJ authorized Chile in '73 Nixon decided he could live without Salvador Allende so they backed General Augusto Pinochet We have no bad players... only good players.
  4. I remember during the campaign when Trump was soundly criticized by Clinton and the libs about his hiring foreign workers to build some of his properties. He said he had to because there was a shortage of skilled workers here. I dunno. Maybe he's got a thin skin.
  5. 30 years of company loyalty and they toss him away like an old shoe.
  6. You're all the better off for it, I assure you.
  7. I was thinking it was the watery flow coming from his other end. He speaks like he had recent blind dates with all of the Rrhea sisters: Dia, Pia, Gono, and Sebo.
  8. Absolutely. To paraphrase Marie Antoinette, "let them rape moose".
  9. Sure hope Ellison gets it. He, Sanders, Warren, and Pelosi will be the four lemmings of the apocalypse.
  10. Well, they're simply trying to keep their news coverage "balanced".
  11. Speaking of immigration. What if we give those 1,200 plus Moslems that B. O. said "we'd" take from the Aussies - because they were too toxic to live within a westernized democracy like Australia - to our friends in the great white north who so proudly flaunt their open borders? It would be a match made in heaven. The other spot they could be relocated to would be Guantanamo, but then we'd have to pay their freight and upkeep. I like the idea of them going to Canuckistan better.
  12. Some stupid and clueless campaign staffer put them - and probably all of the foreign ambassadors to the US on their mailing list. That's some rich shi te right there. I was hoping McCain would have lost his primary this time around. He's become just one more flannel mouthed politician and is very bitter that he never became POTUS. Oh, and hey Johnny - when you going to reimburse the Navy for the cost of those four planes you toasted?
  13. Good analysis LA. I agree. Speaking of punching bags, I hope they paid him better than Sylvester Stallone did Chuck Wepner for his inspiration for the Rocky character. Chuck's high water mark - went nearly a full 15 rounds with Ali:
  14. A lot less whining though. I haven't been able to listen to Hannity for years because he has such a whinny voice. He just complains and harangues constantly and continually. It got tiresome listening to him rant while waiting for ten seconds of substance to come out. I gave up.
  15. Well, if the bitches don't do what they're told to do, then what's a righteous Muslim misogynist man supposed to do except beat the crap out of her? It's his right, no it's his DUTY! Hey, I represent that. Moving soon though.
  16. Yes, on all counts. He held his own many times, but the facts were against him. To his great credit, he never wavered in his beliefs, as different though they were from mine. I always admired that about him. He was married to Monica Crowley's sister. They must have had some wild family dinner conversations.
  17. 66, Passed from cancer. RIP a stalwart member of the opposition.
  18. Absolutely not. They'll all go to Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, and Worcestershire. Well some might also go to Cumbria, Lancashire and Merseyside.
  19. Well, this could be interesting! Project Veritas to unleash hours of behind-the-scene video of a major TV network. One by one Trump's opponents were trounced about as soon as they began personally attacking him. Hmm... looks like the media isn't as smart as they think they are because they're the main group of jackasses that are personally attacking him now.
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