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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. Kagan. She's the one who never was a judge before B. O. paid her off for shredding his graduate school transcripts with this seat.
  2. A brief history of "Obamacare" AKA the Unafordable Healthcare Atrocity, in pictures because we know you libtard "Progressive" types had a really hard time understanding words.
  3. I saw it, and I can picture Schiff standing on the steps of the Capitol building in the near future, reading and re-reading, and re-re-reading the FBI report that says conclusively there is and never was any truth to the charges that the Russians interfered with the US Presidential election and no further action will be taken. It'll be his Dan Rather Election 2000 moment.
  4. No worries. They're only taking Syrian Muslim refugees in their new army. What could possibly go wrong?
  5. Impossible! Pelosi has to look up to see whale ****. Anal warts will be Rose Bowl Parade Queens before she becomes viewed as anything other than a giant genetic mutant.
  6. The Russians hacked the Oscars! The Russians hacked the Oscars!
  7. Ah yes. The famous JackAzz awards! They hand those out to everyone in Hollywood on a regular basis. It's like a participation trophy for worthless, clueless progressives who are literally living in a dream world.
  8. I see. He was over qualified then to attend law school.
  9. I'd like to organize a "Day without Snowflake/SJW/Progressive/Weenie/Liberals". Women could wear jock straps for hats, and men could wear 44 magnum holsters in front of their belts, preferably dangling from the middle of their belts.
  10. Ever think about changing your sexual orientation? Maybe you'd get a quicker response
  11. It certainly is. The FBI came to Priebus and told him they have stories about Trump and Russia and that they're not true. Reince asked if they would tell the NY Slimes to not publish the untruthful stories. The FBI declined to do that. Nut meet shell.
  12. A few other things should be stopped as well. Have any incremental push for waiting past 70 should be capped at two years. Currently you can gain more by waiting till age 70 to "max out" your benefit. That's a five year 4% push per year on your benefit. Disability should be really a lot harder to get SS for. You should need more than a doctor's note to prove you're incapable of doing any work. There are tens of thousands of people who gave up looking for work and when their 99 weeks of unemployment ran out - applied for and got SS because they were "disable". There are other aspects of the program that need to be trimmed too. Senator Moynihan was the last real Senator IMO and he had the courage and intellect to tackle revamping SS. It needs to be done again.
  13. A lot of gaggle over a gaggle. "White House press secretary Sean Spicer decided to hold the gaggle with reporters inside his West Wing office instead of the traditional on-camera media briefing inside the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room." "Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said Friday that "media should calm down" after the Trump White House blocked several news organizations from a question-and-answer session. "Calm down everyone," Fleischer, who served as former President George W. Bush’s top spokesman, tweeted. He added that press secretaries should brief all reporters, but noted that the White House staff often meets with "who they want." He also called on media to "stop hyperventilating" after The New York Times' top editor slammed the White House's decision to exclude multiple outlets, including the Times, from the off-camera press "gaggle." The Times’s executive editor Dean Baquet blasted the move, saying in a statement “nothing like this has ever happened at the White House in our long history.” Anyone remember when B. O.'s justice department went after reporter James Rosen as a co-conspirator in "criminally" leaking classified information? Anyone? Bueller... Bueller... Bueller?
  14. Regardless of what Whales does, he's going to get pilloried here for whatever he does. Move up/stay put/move down. I can hear the heated backlash right now. Sully and Vic are writing their draft day columns to cover all three scenarios right now - if they haven't already.
  15. I did not know that Bill Clitoris and B. O. were trust funders. Privileged, of course has its privileges.
  16. Earth to leftists: Sanders is not a "libertarian ". He's a SOCIALIST. There is a huge difference. And Che Guevera was a sociopathic murderer and a complete wad of scum.
  17. Speaking of Caligula's uncle, is he off in a corner somewhere hugging himself for a time out or something? He hasn't been bobbing in and out of threads with muddy boots like he usually does out of habit. Maybe he got lost going home from UB. That's understandable. His parents probably moved while he was there.
  18. Our local school system stopped calling "foreign" languages that around 2000. They only teach "world" languages.
  19. She'll corner the market with the biggest store there. It'll be yuuuuuuge!
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